Chapter 4

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Haley sighed in frustration as she tried to finish a biology assignment.  She wondered how her teacher expected anyone to write a three-page paper on the separation of cells.  Plus, she had developed a cough in the past few days, and it was not helping her concentration either.  She was about to give up when she heard a small tapping on her window.  She ignored it at first, thinking it was a pigeon or something, but it continued to tap in specific rhythms which is what got Haley's attention.  When she looked up she saw the four turtles sitting on the fire escape outside of her window.  

It had been a few days since she had met the turtles.  She had thought that the mutants had forgotten about her.  Part of her was relieved, but part of her was also sad when she thought of it.  She would have gone her whole life thinking she had just imagined the whole thing.  But, they were real, and they were waiting for her to unlock her window.  She quickly got up to do so.  "Hey, guys," All the turtles filed into her room as Haley stood up from her bed.  "H-how have you guys been?" 

Leo shrugged. "We've been good.  We just happened to be in the neighborhood and wanted to make sure you were okay." 

Haley nodded.  "Yeah, I've been fine.  I haven't gone anywhere except school and here, so I get home before it's dark.  Usually, the purple dragons don't do much in the streets during the day."

Donnie nodded.  "That's usually how it goes."  He crossed his arms.  "Is your room usually this cold?  I think my blood is starting to freeze."  

"Yeah, it is.  Believe me, I wish I could do something about it,"  She said before pausing to cough into her arm.  "It gets so cold in here at night." 

Raph looked around.  "Can you not turn the heater to your apartment on?" 

Haley shook her head as she continued to cough a little bit.  "The... the apartment hasn't had heating, air conditioning, or hot water for a few weeks." 

Mikey looked at her, bouncing slightly on her bed.  "Why not?"

"I couldn't tell you the last time my parent's paid the bills.  I know they're struggling for rent, let alone water and electricity." Haley said before entering another coughing fit.  

Donnie looked at her.  "That cough doesn't sound good. Why don't you come back with us to the lair so I can check you out?" 

Haley shook her head.  "I'll get over it.  I think it's just because of the cold," She said as she wrapped her blanket around her shoulders for more warmth.  "Plus, in case my family comes back, I don't want them to be worried." 

Leonardo looked at his brothers, then back at Haley.  He knew she was embarrassed about her family's situation.  Every time she mentioned them her voice would get quiet and she would look down.  He cleared his throat.  "Hey, guys... could you give us two some privacy?"  

"Why?"  Raph asked with a confused look on his face.  

"Because I asked nicely, Raphael," Leo said sternly, crossing his arms.  

Raph huffed as Mikey started to whine a little.  "But it's freezing outside, Leo!  It's no fair that you get to stay inside where it's warmer." 

Haley cleared her throat a little bit.  "Well, there's no one else here but me. You guys could step out into the hall if you want." 

That shut Mikey up.  He went to the door, followed by Donnie and Raph, and walked into the dark hallway.  It took a few seconds, but Raph finally closed the door behind him.  Haley let out an awkward sigh as Leo looked at her.  She could tell Leo felt awkward about this too, whatever he was planning on doing next.  

He cleared his throat as he sat down next to Haley.  "I just... I think it's only fair to tell you that we know about your family.  We know your sister and brother have drug problems, and we know that your parents are suffering from something similar too," Haley looked stunned as he continued. "We found it all out when we were trying to find out more about you after we brought you back to the lair..." 

"You know... everything?" Leo just nodded as Haley crossed her arms and stood up.  "Everyone knows everything?" Leo nodded again.  Haley let out a sigh.  "If you think I'm not safe with my family, you're wrong.  What happened with the Purple Dragons had nothing to do with them.  My parents and brother and sister have problems, I will not deny it.  But, they have never put me in danger." 

Leo sighed.  "Maybe not intentionally," He said calmly.  "I am worried about you though.  You're parents seem to be running around with a very dangerous crowd, and if they do something to upset them, they'll take it out on your entire family." 

Haley huffed as she ran her hand through her long dark, brown hair.  She was trying to think of what to say, but she couldn't.  She was flattered that someone she had barely met was so concerned for her safety, but she could not bear to be taken away from her family.  "I understand what you are saying, but my family has been this way for years.  If something like that were to happen it would have happened by now." 

Leo shook his head.  "You don't know that, Haley." 

"Well that's a risk I'm willing to take," She said as she crossed her arms.  "My family is all I have.  I appreciate the concern, and if you want to keep coming to check on me because of the Purple Dragons that is fine.  But my family is my business.  You and your family do not have any business telling me what is best for me when it comes to them." 

Leo's eyes got wide.  He knew this would be a sensitive subject, but he didn't realize how much Haley would stand up for them.  When he thought about it though, it made sense.  He knew he would have done the same for his family if he were in her situation.  "I-I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries." 

Haley exhaled.  "Thank you for apologizing.  If it makes you feel better, I will agree to come to the lair if I feel like I'm in danger." 

"I'll agree to that, but only if you come tomorrow night and let Donnie check you out.  It's cheaper than going to the doctor and if nothing is wrong and it is just a cough, then we will admit we were wrong."

Haley sighed as she reluctantly nodded.  "Fine.  If that's what it takes, I'll do it."  

"Good," Leo said as he extended his three-fingered hand.  "Let's shake on it," He said with a slight smile.  Haley gave a slight smirk back.  This was the first time their hands had touched.  Haley had expected it to be cold and clammy, but she was surprised at how warm it felt.  Not just warm, but comforting.

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