Chapter 7

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The boys were all sitting around the TV that was playing an old Disney movie, but no one was really watching it.  All the guys were talking about random things; Shredder, the Foot Clan, training in the morning, videogames... Honestly, it was all over the map.

Leo wasn't saying much.  He was lost in thought thinking about Haley.  He had been thinking about her a lot.  He honestly admired how loyal she was to her family, even if it was a detriment to herself.  She was honest, hard-working, and smart.  But, he also thought she was beautiful.  Her eyes were as blue as the ocean, but not like where you would vacation to.  They were more like the deep ocean during the beginning of a storm; almost like grey.

"Leonardo!"  Raph screamed to his older brother, causing Leo to glare at him.

"Do you have to scream?" 

Raph shrugged.  "Well, we've called your name a few times.  You were really lost in thought.  What's on your mind?" 

Mikey smirked.  "It wouldn't happen to be Haley, would it?" He said with a chuckle.  

Leo could feel his eyes get wide as he blushed a little bit.  He wanted to protest, but he didn't know what to say.  He had been thinking about her, and his brothers knew him well enough that they could tell something was up with him.  

Donnie laughed a little.  "Well, looks like our fearless leader has a small crush." 

Leo gulped.  "I don't know if I would call it that." 

"Says the one who let her use his heated blanket without her even asking!" Mikey screamed as he jumped up and pointed to him.  "You don't ever let us use it." 

"That's because Haley wouldn't ruin it.  Plus, she was cold, and... I just didn't want her to get sicker because she was cold," Leo said defiantly.  It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either.  He did think that she deserved the best, and he just happened to be the owner of the only heated blanket in the lair.

Raph opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but before he could an alert went off in Donnie's lab.  

"That's the proximity alert system!" Donnie said as he stood up in a hurry.  That statement caused all of his brothers to follow him into his lab and crowded around his computer.  

Master Splinter followed soon after his sons, getting around the computer with them.  "What is it, Donatello?  Are we in danger?"

"We're about to find out Sensei," The purple-clad turtle answered as he clicked the alert popup on his screen.  "It's tunnel thirteen," He paused again, pulling up a visual of the entire tunnel.  "It looks like a human... wait, is that Haley?" 

Leonardo's eyes widened when he heard his brother say Haley's name.  He leaned in closer to see the figure trudging through the water with a backpack, using her flashlight on her phone to see where she was walking.  The figure didn't look up for a while.  Instead, the girl fell onto her knees after tripping on something in the water.  When she stood up, she shook her hands to try and dry them off before looking forward. That's when they clearly saw the face.  It was Haley.  

Leo stood up.  "I'm going to go get her. Raph," He turned to his brother.  "Can I borrow the shell cycle?" 

Raph nodded.  "The keys and helmet are on the seat.  An extra helmet should be on the ground somewhere around it."  

Leonardo nodded in thanks before running off to the shell cycle.  He turned it on, and sped off towards the tunnel, hoping it would not take long to catch Haley.  Luckily he was right.  The ride there was only about ten minutes.  It would have been quicker too if it wasn't for the few inches of water on the ground because of the snowfall the past few days.  

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