Chapter 6

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Haley yawned as she walked into the apartment.  She yanked down another note that was taped to the door before opening it.  There were a few people in the apartment.  She could hear her dad snoring in his chair in front of the TV.  He did have a beer bottle in his hand, but Haley saw there was nothing else.  

As she threw the note onto the table with the others just like it, she started walking through the apartment to get to her room.  She passed her brother's room, pausing because he heard a female voice that she didn't recognize.  She knew better than to open the door.  She also passed her sister's room, hearing music playing but not much else.  Haley noted to herself that her mom wasn't home, again too. 

Haley shivered as she walked into her room and closed the door behind her, quietly locking it.  She set her backpack down beside her bed before unzipping it and pulling out her homework.  It was a large workload today, which annoyed Haley.  She felt like all her teachers were ganging up on her, assigning as much homework as possible for every class.  If she was lucky, she would be done by midnight, but she doubted it.


Haley had been working on homework for a few hours when she heard the door to the apartment open.  She didn't know who it would be.  It could have been her mother coming home or one of her other family members leaving.  But, her questions were answered when she heard her mother's voice screaming to wake up her dad.  

Haley grimaced, hearing her dad's voice start to yell back.  It would probably go on for hours now.  Both of them would yell back and forth at each other until one of them had enough and would leave for the night to who knows where.  

She stood up and leaned towards her door, coughing into her arm as quietly as possible.  It was starting to hurt when she coughed, more than before.  It felt like she was swallowing burning liquid every time that would take forever to soothe.  But, this time was different.  There were specks of blood on her inner elbow now.  Haley's eyes got wide as she moved her hand to her lips.  She felt liquid on there too, pulling her fingertips away to see the red substance there as well.  

Haley knew she had to get warmer, but she didn't want to leave home with her parents fighting.  If she needed to call 9-1-1, she needed to be there.  With that in mind, she gulped and opened her door to see her parents.  

"Mom? Dad?" She asked quietly.  

"Not now, Haley!" Her dad screamed before continuing the screaming match with his wife.  

"I... I was just wondering if we could turn the heat on in the apartment.  It's really cold tonight, Haley said meekly.  

Her mom turned to her.  "Did you not hear us?  Not now!  Plus, why do you even need the heat on?  You think we have money for that right now?" 

Apparently, her dad screaming Haley's name caught the attention of the other two siblings, because Zach and Maya had come out of their rooms.  

Haley tried to ignore them as she spoke with her parents.  "I know, but I'm getting pneumonia and I can't be this cold.  It'll make it worse." 

Maya scoffed and rolled her eyes.  "You're so dramatic.  You're just cold.  You don't have pneumonia." 

Haley sighed as she looked at her older sister.  "Yes, I do.  I went to a doctor and got a prescription for it and everything."  

Zach looked at her.  "With what money?  Did you take from my money?"  

Haley shook her head.  "N-no.  I had a friend... pay for it,"  She said catching herself to make it sound believable.  "All I want is some heat in my room, please." 

Her dad looked at her.  "If you want heat so bad then why don't you go out there and get a job to contribute around here like the rest of us."

Haley looked down, hoping no one would see her tears.  "I... I have school.  I can't quit school." 

Her mom growled.  "Then, don't complain about the damn heat.  When we are caught up on everything here, we will deal with that later." 

Haley knew her mother wasn't thinking clearly, much like the rest of her family.  She could tell by the way they were speaking to her and to each other.  She didn't say anything after that.  In defeat, she walked back to her room, slamming the door behind her.  

She sat on her bed, coughing into her hand again where more blood splattered onto her hand, this time a bit more than before.  

Haley gulped as she looked around.  She knew she wouldn't be warm enough to help her get better in her room.  And, if she was being honest with herself, she did miss the warmth and laughter of the lair.  People didn't think she was a free-loader there, at least at the moment.  

She looked at her phone to see the time.  It was barely ten.  If she hurried, she could get to the lair by midnight.  Even if she could stay for just a few hours, she bet that it would be better than staying in the cold most of the night.

She nodded as she sent a text, telling Donnie that she was coughing up blood and thought it would be best for her to stay the night at their place and that she was on the way.  She also sent Leo a text about the same thing, just leaving out the fact she was coughing up blood.  She didn't want to worry him.

She sighed as she packed some pajamas into her backpack with her schoolwork, and slipped on a hoodie and her shoes.  She then gave another sigh as she climbed out of her window onto the fire escape.  The wind was so cold it hurt when Haley felt it hit her face.  

She gasped at the pain but regained her composure as she started to climb down the stairs.  It was going to be a long walk, so she hoped she would acclimate to the weather a bit more.

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