Chapter 10

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April sighed as she sat down on the couch beside Casey, watching the news.  It had been a long day at work for her, and she had been trying to get K.C. down for bed since dinner was over.  She looked at Casey.  "Did you get Malyssa and Gunner to bed?" Casey nodded.  "Made sure they brushed their teeth?" 

"Yes, hun," Casey said looking at her with a smile.  "I promise I followed the routine you set up." 

April smiled as she leaned onto his shoulder.  "Thank you.  I don't know what I would do without you," She said as she yawned.  

Just as she finished, her phone started ringing in her back pocket.  She adjusted, pulled it out, and saw it was Leo.  She looked at Casey before answering.  "Hello?" 

"April, where are you?" Leo said frantically 

April sat up.  "I'm at home.  What's going on?  Something with the Foot?"  

"I'm not sure, but I got a phone call from Haley.  She's in the hospital.  The apartment building went up in flames and she was found on the fire escape unconscious," Leo said quickly.  "Donnie is working on the Shell-razor so I cannot go to her.  Can you go to the hospital and see if she's okay?"  

April stood up and looked at Casey.  "Yeah, yeah, I'll head that way now." 


When April got to the hospital, she immediately went up to the desk, asking where Haley was.  They immediately guided her to the burn unit.  The nurse spoke as she walked.  "I did not realize she was alert enough to call anyone.  She's on very strong drugs for the pain right now."

April nodded.  "How... how extensive are her burns?" 

"They're about ten percent of her body, mostly on her upper body.  Her arms got most of it because she was trying to block the flames.  As long as they don't get infected, they're not life-threatening, just painful,"  April stopped when the nurse stopped in front of her to face her.  "There is something else you probably should know... the fire was a bad one.  The rest of her family has already been identified by the medical examiner..." 

April's eyes widened.  "Are... are you saying none of them... none of them made it?" The nurse only nodded.  "Oh my god." 

"She doesn't know.   We haven't told her because she's on the drugs, and we were afraid she would not remember..." The nurse sighed.  "I leave it up to you to tell her if you want to.  If you're the first person she called, that means she trusts you."

April nodded slightly.  She thought back to how it was Leo who had called her.  Haley had no idea she was going to be the one coming to see her.  "Thank you.  I'll let you know if we need anything." 

The nurse nodded gently before walking away, April took a deep breath in before walking into the room.  To her surprise, Haley was sitting upright in her bed.  April was happy that she was awake, but her facial expression caused her stomach to drop.  "Haley?" 

"Everyone else is dead?" Haley asked quietly as tears filled in her eyes.  

April stood there.  She couldn't say anything.  She couldn't move except give a small, sad, singular nod.  

Tears were falling down Haley's cheeks now.  "They... they can't be dead... I... I survived... they could have too..." 

April slowly walked over to Haley's bed.  "Haley, they didn't get out of the building in time... I'm so sorry." 

Haley didn't say anything else.  She laid down on the bed and just sobbed into her pillow.  Her body screamed from the burning pain on her arms and stomach, but that was nothing to her at the moment.  She cried for hours, and the only thing April could do was sit there, making sure she had a person to keep her company until night came.  


Leo wasn't able to get to the hospital until nine the next night.  Haley was passed out when Leo got to the hospital.  He had on a new watch, projecting a hologram to make him look human.  April stood up, exhausted.  Leo could see the bags under her eyes.  "How is she?" 

"Leo?  Is that you?" April said as she rubbed her eyes, looking confused.  

Leo nodded.  "That's why it took so long for me to get here.  Donnie was trying to get this new watch working.  He's making more for the others..." He started explaining.  "How is she doing?" 

The nurses gave her some pain meds and that put her to sleep almost instantly..." April sighed.  "Leo, her family didn't make it out..."

Leo's eyes got wide.  "Shit... does she know?" April nodded.  "Thank you for staying here.  You go home and get some rest.  I know Casey and the kids want to see you."  

April nodded.  "Okay.  Just let me know if you need anything else."

Leonardo nodded as he walked over to the chair and sat down beside Haley's bed.  When he looked at the bandages on her arms, his heart hurt.  He knew how much she cared about her family, even when they didn't seem to care for her in return.  Her skin was pale, more than usual, and her long dark hair fell over her face.  

Leo moved it gently with his fingers, out of her eyes.  He didn't know if she could hear him in this state, but he spoke anyway. "Haley, I'm so sorry this happened to you.  I just want you to know that my family is here for you.  I'm here for you too.  I can't imagine what you're going through... but I know you can get through this.  If anyone can, it's you.  You've protected your family for so long, and now it's your turn to be helped and protected.  I want to do that for you if you'll let me." 

He said quietly as he set his hand on top of Haley's.  He wasn't expecting anything, but he did feel her hand twitch under his, softly grasping his fingers that curled over his hand and into her palm.  

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