Mika x (werewolf) reader

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This request is from my little sis (this damn kid is the queen of spoilers!!!😭)

(Y/n) was walking trough the forest she called her home for 5 years now.

She was one of Kruls secret experiments. But she wasn't a seraph like Yuu or Mika. She endet up being some kind of weired hybrid humans call werewolf.

Mika, Yuu and (y/n) lived in the same house with their family. When they tried to break out and their family died, Yuu and (y/n) were able to flee.

But (y/n) knew she had to stay in the forest. The other humans wouldn't accept her. They would think she was a monster. Nobody understood her. Accept for one. Mika. But she knew he was dead. She saw him deing in Yuu's arms.

After that they seperated. She secretly watched him before he was found by Guren. She never saw him again. In these 5 years allone in the forest she learned to survive on her own.

(Y/n) stopped. There was a strange sound. Quickly she hided herself in the trees. Foot steps were comming her way. She spyed on what was going on beneath her.

Vampires. She waited a while longer. Their scent allone made her blood boil and her fangs grow. Then she saw him. The cause of her lonelynes. Ferid.

If it hadn't been for him her family would still be alive.
If it hadn't been for him she wouldn't be so alone now.
If it hadn't been for him Mika would still be here, talk to her, understand her, trust her.
If it hadn't been for him she wouldn't have lost everything.

"Berserk" she wispered and jumped off the tree she was sitting on. While she got closer and closer to the ground, her body transformated. Once on the ground she was completely in her beast form.

"What the hell is that?!" screeched one of the vampires. Immediately the werewolf started attacking them. Everyone gave their best to kill the beast but they couldn't land a hit.

Suddenly one of them bit her in the neck. Now she was enraged. Her (e/c) eyes turned blood red. She bit his head and smashed it with her jaw.

"That's enough!" a voice said. She turned. There was Ferid and some other vampire. He looked exactly like Mika. But that wasn't possible. A dangerous growl exited her troat. Her left ear twiching. That's when she noticed the shock in the other vampires face.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) is that you?" he asked but (y/n) just growled again.

"Don't you dare trying to fool me (y/n)! I know exactly how your ear twiches when you're angry! Come on! It's me! Mika! Do you remember?!"

No. This couldn't be. (Y/n)'s head reaced and she quickly forms back. Mika couldn't belive it. There, right before him, was his old friend- no! His family!

Her (e/c) eyes starred right back at him. Still not beliving what she saw in front of her. Suddenly her (ear/c) ears twitched again wildly and her (t/c), fluffy tail started wagging from one side to the other.

She run up to him and hugged him close, his head buried in her chest.
"You fucking idiot!! I thought you were dead!! If you ever do that again i will fucking kill you for real!!"

Yeah, definitely (y/n). Mika freed his face and hugged back with a smile. "I missed you too." Later they separated and Mika spoke. "(Y/n) please stay with me!"

She looked surprised, then smiled sadly. "Mika, I can't. I'm sorry."

He was shocked. No, he was not going to lose her again! "Please (y/n)! I don't want to lose you! Come with me! No one will hurt you! I swear! Please!"

He hugged her again. A tear slipped down his face. "I love you"

(Y/n) hugged back immediately and kissed him. "I love you too Mika"

After that day (y/n) stayed with Mika. Everywhere they went they would be together. They would never leave each others side. Nothing on earth could seperate them.

Little funny ending

"Why are you allowed to have a pet but i'm not?! That's not fair!! I was begging for years but every time it's the same! No you are not responsible enough! This world is so cruel!" Ferid complained

Suddenly (y/n) turned around and stared at Ferid with the most deadly glare I have ever seen.

"Call me a pet one more fucking time! I will fucking slice your damn motherfucking dick off and shove it down your damn cock sucking troat!"

Let's just say he never ever went near her again.

So, that's it for now! Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to comment and request!


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