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Again I'm sorry that this chapter took forever, I'm currently having some personal problems and I don't have as much time as I would like to have to spend on here. Not even when I post shitty chapters like the following one.

Usually I would have typed it out and only put the relevant bits inside this, but I'm already glad if I get anything out at this point so all I can offer are some scans from the book 'Death of a Rolling Stone.'

Next chapter where I hopefully have more time again, I promise will be something more fun again, but until then here is Zouzou on Brian:

Possible warnings: some cuteness & some more sad things. 😢


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And those are the moments were you just want to hug Brian and tell him everything is going to be alright

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And those are the moments were you just want to hug Brian and tell him everything is going to be alright.... ❤

Well again sorry for this chapter & Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. ❤

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