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I hate wiggly teeth.

They should immediately fall out and not be a pain for their owners. You really want to push the tooth back into its foreseen gap, but it always loosens. He just does not want to stay in it, but he still does not quite get out!

As if he could not decide what he wanted: to stay or to go?

It hurts to touch, or maybe even play with it, but you do it anyways. On the one hand, to take advantage of your time with this stupid tooth to be with him one last time, and on the other side you play around with him, just to make sure he is still there. And then you want to take it out yourself, to redeem yourself - but it hurts very much. It hurts so much that you decide to wait until he disappears. 

If he wants at all.

Because the tooth is not gone yet, you can spend time with him again. Touch it and all the other things you want to do with it. And if you're completely crazy, you're still turning it around its own axis, if it's very loose. But that still hurts more than anything else. 

You cry because of the pain that Mr. tooth caused, you laugh, because he tickles you and you are  ticklish. You hate him because he does not fall out, but you still love this stupid tooth, because he has accompanied you for so long.

And now you have a problem.

This stupid tooth will always hurt you. Always. Permanently.

You almost decide to go to the dentist and put an end to it all. But in the waiting room you want to play on him one more time. Just to say good-bye to him, because you had to deal with this tooth for a long time.

And then it happens way too suddenly.

You play with him, feel the pain briefly, as every time you do it, turn him around once again around his own axis. And suddenly you got it between your fingers. 

Loose, demolished. 

And suddenly all the pain is gone. You go with your tongue over the place, where he was once for one last time. But you do not feel him anymore. Then you let him fall to the ground in horror.

Your wiggly tooth is now a loose tooth. He left you and will never return.

So the pain comes back again, but this time not in your mouth, but in your heart and you are now going home again, shocked.

At home, you look once more in the mirror and open your mouth just to make sure that he is really gone. And he's gone. 

Even if you'd push him back into the gap, as you've done many times, he'd drop out again, as if he'd never been able fit into that gap. He will never stay there again.

It feels funny, but wasn't that what you both wanted? You and the tooth?

This idiot has just released himself from you and left you here now alone. 

You're sitting on your bed, mourning over the tooth, and your tongue still strokes over the gap a thousand times and you realize after a few passing seconds that he's gone.


Damned tooth.


Hi. I'm @moodchanging, but this is my english page. So you'll find my english translations here. On the other acc, I write in german only.

This is my prologue for Rupture. I hope you liked it.

I hope you get the message behind the prologue...

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