Chapter 8

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I needed a couple of weeks to really get used to my new work and have fun there too. In fact, I liked it in this old bar after a while.

I rub the rag harder over the plate, when I notice that the stains on it do not disappear so quickly. I look around the bar from time to time, but every time I do it, I lose my good mood.

Because in front of me, there are Louis and the young flower girl from across the street. She looks as if she had just turned 18. The acne on her forehead and all the pimples make her appear even younger. Actually, she is a pretty girl though. However, the man directly in front of her makes me gag.

The two are flirting the whole time already and the poor girl is as red as a tomato.

Harry, you were just like her too back then when you were together, an inner voice tells me. I let the plate sink, as some memories, but also many thoughts, race through my head.

Louis notices it, of course, and looks at me with cold eyes."I told you to clean the plate, not only hold it."

I hear hysterical giggles come from the mouth of the teenage girl.

I roll my eyes and look back at the plate and continue with my work.


He has not been in the shop for several hours. Surely, he has some fun over there with the oh so cute, little flower girl with the big blue, doll eyes and the blond curls.

It's none of my business anyways, I only clean the plates here.

However, I've done this for quite some time now and slowly, I also notice, that the dirty cutlery becomes less and less. I look proudly at the brightly lit plates and forks in front of me, which I have freshly polished.

But when the door suddenly opens and an angry-looking Louis rushes in, my bad mood is back immediately. He will probably bitch about me now, because he has found something about me, which is annoying him incredibly.

But no, he sees all the plates and suddenly, his face does not look so tense. This confuses me now. I have never seen one of my works soothe or make him happy. Well, he still does not look happy, but it's a start, isn't it?

"Thank you, good work.", he murmurs."You can go.". I shake my head, "No, I still have a few spoons here, that- ''."I said you can go.", he suddenly interrupts me, sounding harsh and angry again.

A bit taken back, I put the cup, which I just cleaned, in the sink and put the cloth away.

There is a weird, uncomfortable tension in the air. He might be either mad or just nice in this moment, although his voice sounded so harsh.

I'm so worried that he's just about to shout at me or is going to start a fight with me. But he didn't touch me, thankfully.

A few minutes later, I find myself outside the door again. I notice the lightness of my head. I've already walked away from the bar quite a bit, when I remember about my beanie. I quickly run back to get them.

However, I can hardly trust my eyes, when I arrive at the bar and see what is happening.

Louis sits on the ground, his back resting against the wall. He clasped his knees to his chest with his arms. At first I do not quite realize it, but then I hear a loud sob.

He usually never cries. He hardly cried when we were together, so I'm a little surprised at first and shrug. Worried, I look down at him and feel a sense of compassion despite all my feelings of hatred. I am not that evil. Just as I want to squat down to him, he looks up and eyes me with red, bloodshot eyes. His facial expression remains emotionless, almost cold.

"Please go.'', I hear him say softly."But you -''.''Please go! '', he gets louder now and looks down at the ground again. I'm a little shy when he gets loud and then reach for my beanie, "I just forgot my beanie here..."."Leave now!", he looks at me urgently.

I swallow and then storm out of the bar.

What had just happened?!


This must've been the crappiest chapter in my whoooole life lol

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