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          I slowly opened my eyes to find myself laying on a hospital bed. My whole body throbbed and my head was pulsing. A bunch of tubes were attached to me with liquids being transferred into my arms. I look around the room and see a nurse reading a book in the corner. I slowly sit up trying to fight the pain in my back. The nurse notices me and quickly stands up and tells me to lay down. "Wh-what happened? Where am I?" I don't sound like myself. My voice is raspy and hoarse. "You're in the hospital sweetie. We were hoping you could tell us what happened. The police found you in the forest naked and bruised..."  The nurse's voice was soft and warm. "I don't remember much..." I gasped as my vision got blurry.

       My vision came into focus again, but I wasn't in the hospital anymore. I blinked several times and realized I was naked. "Good, you're awake sweet stuff. You're sister isn't awake yet...what a shame." I quickly turned my head and there I saw my sister...she was naked as well and unconscious "Celosia!! What did you do to her?! Why are you doing this?" I sobbed. The man in the room was wearing a black mask. I felt nauseous and quickly covered my mouth. The man gave me a bucket as I bent my head over and threw up. I wiped my mouth when I was done and sat up hugging myself. I started crying when the man came over and ran his hand down my back. I shuddered and looked at him. "Please let my sister go. She doesn't deserve this. Please let her go!!" I begged. "Stop begging sweet stuff. I now own you both. Now if you cooperate with me and lemme take a small peek, I'll bring you some food and water for you and your sister." I don't move my arms and put my head down. I think about how hungry and thirty Celosia will be when she wakes up. I slowly unwrap my arms and legs. I squeeze my eyes shut for a few moment and when I look up the man in the mask is jerking off. 

       I didn't realize I was sobbing when the nurse shook me. "Jezebel! Are you okay?!" I open my eyes still sobbing hysterically. "Where's Celosia!? Where is she!!!" I screamed until my voice became sore and raspy. The nurse called the other nurses and when they came, I felt a needle stab into my arm. Slowly my vision became a blur and a high pitched ring filled my ears.

       The man let out a very big moan as he shot out his load onto my body. I started sobbing trying to wipe it off. After I wiped it off the man held his end of the bargain and brought food and water enough for two. I gulped down the water and poured the rest on me where the man came on me. The man chuckled and left. I looked to my side at Celosia. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at her own body and let out a fearful cry. "Celosia, it's okay I'm here. He um...just left this for us." I handed her the bread and water. "Where are we? Why are we naked? Who did this to us? Why? Why? Why?" She started spewing out questions like crazy. "Celosia, calm down. We'll get out. I'll make sure he doesn't touch you. Just please follow my plan. You need to eat, it's been a while you must be hungry." I want to calm her down, but how do I do that if I'm not even calm myself? "How could I eat right now? We both were just kindapped and you want me to eat?!" I lowered my eyes to the floor. She had a point. I promise myself that I will not let him touch her. 

        The ringing in my ears disappeared, but it left a big headache for me to suffer. The room was white and blurry. Slowly everything came into focus. My parents were sleeping in the chair next to me. I looked up at the clock. It was two in the morning. I didn't want to wake them up yet so I stayed quiet. A cough escaped my mouth. My mother woke up and ran to the bed. "Oh sweetie. Are you okay? Where have you been?" My head is spinning. "Mom, I'm okay, just please no questions right now. I can't remember a thing only the night I was taken. I'm sorry. I disappointed you. Celosia is still gone. I can't remember anything and-and-and-" Tears filled my eyes and I started sobbing. "It's okay sweetie. It's okay." I saw she wanted to cry. I saw the pain in her eyes. I kept crying. My head pulsed even more. The ringing in my ears came back and slowly the darkness took over my vision. 

        I woke up in my own bed. How I missed my soft blanket and my fluffy pillow. But there was something missing. Celosia. She always used to sleep in my bed with me. Tears started filling my eyes. Tears poured out and I had a terrible itch to bleed. I ran over to my desk and got my pencil sharpener. I got a screwdriver and slowly unscrewed the screw. The blade fell out onto my hand, I dropped the case of the blade and the screwdriver and held the blade in my hand. My friends all cut. They have terrible pain. The memories of the man jerking off and my sister naked crying rushed into my mind. I pressed the blade to my arm and slowly ran the blade down. My arm began to throb a bit. I felt all the pain slowly fade. I ran it against my arm again and again. Blood ran down my arm when I was finished. I had destroyed my arm. It was throbbing and it stung. I went to the bathroom and washed off the blood in the sink. It looked like my pain went down the drain, but it was still there. 

Thanks for reading. Was this too detailed? Give me something I need to improve please 

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