Stop the Voices

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       The warm water of the shower soothes me. I close my eyes and feel its warmth. I squeeze my eyes when I hear screaming. You left! You betrayed! You dirty liar, you deserve to go to hell!  I cup my hands over my ears. "Stop it! Stop it! Please!" My screams and cries for help sound a thousand miles away. Everything goes blue and I see a rose. It was no ordinary rose. It was af it was bleeding. There was no color for anything but the rose. I heard faint screaming in the background. Slowly the screaming became louder and the rose withered away. 

       "Jezebel, please snap out of it! Wake up!" I'm gonna kill you!  You'll never see your sister again!  I opened my eyes and realized I was wrapped in my towel on my bed crying and screaming what the voices said. "J-Jezzy.. Why are you gonna kill us?" My brothers voice was soothing, but full of pity. I felt angry. Angry at my brother. Angry at my mother. Angry at my father. Angry at the nurses who said that they felt sorry for me. So much anger,  it I can't let it out right now. "Please just go. I want to be alone. I'm sorry  I just...need to be alone."

Jayden's POV

       She didn't seem the same. She's in pain. I remember when she used to be so happy. When we jumped on our trampoline, her golden brown hair flowed so smoothly. Her beautiful blue green eyes would sparkle. Her smile would be enough to make any guy fall for her. But now...she's all droopy. Her eyes looked empty. Her hair was always messy and sometimes looked dirty. Her lips were all chapped. I sat down on my bed and started at the roof. I've waited months to see my twin sister again. I've shut people out when she disappeared. I never wanted to go to my friends parties or go on dates. I just wanted to be alone. But now that she's back, it seems like she's a stranger. I got up and knocked on Jezzy's door. "I said I wanted to be alone.", she mumbled. I hate to see her so hurt. "Jezzy, it's me. Please...let's talk.." 

      The door opened slightly and there I saw my twin. She looked so empty. She opened the door all the way and let me in. "Wanna go get some coffee? I'll pay." I tried to get her out of her room for once. I knew she couldn't say no to some Starbucks. "I don't know...I think I'll stay.." I was shocked. She never ever said no to coffee. "C'mon...pleaseee. I've missed you. I wanna spend time with you." I begged her and begged. "Okay. Okay. I'll go. Only if we watch a movie of my choice." She smirked. She was into horror and sometimes chick flicks. I sighed and pulled my thinking face she always found annoying. She punched my shoulder. Ouch. "Okay okay. Ow. Fine. Any movie and some coffee. I'll get chips and candy too." She clapped her hands and smiled.

      There was her beautiful smile. Oh god how much that means. I smiled as we walked out of the house. I closed the door behind us and we walked downtown. I  looked at Jezzy, but she was looking down and looked as if she was trying to fight tears. "Hey Jezzy, you okay?" She slowly brought her head up to me and forced a smile. "I'm fine, Jayden. Well maybe. I just hate that I can't remember where Celosia is.  It haunts me every night." "Hey hey. Remember I miss her too. A lot. Just remember, it's not your fault you do not remember. You'll remember in time. I promise." I looked down as soon as I said the words 'I promise'. Honestly I didn't know. Will Celosia ever have hope to be found? I don't know. I don't know....

Jezebel's POV

      I looked at the doubt in Jayden's eyes. I put my hands in my jacket pockets as Jayden opened the door for me. We entered Starbucks and were welcomed by the delicious smell of French vanilla coffee. My mouth started to water at the delectable smell. We approached the counter and I told Jayden I wanted and iced French vanilla coffee with cream on top. Ever since I was kidnapped I hadn't had anything good like this to drink. For 7 whole months! Wait, how did I know that? "Jezebel? Earth to Jezzy? You gonna grab your coffee?" I slowly looked at Jayden with a confused looked. "Hmm?" "Your coffee, weirdo." I looked at the lady holding my coffee impatiently. I grabbed it fast and said sorry then sat down. How in the world did I know I never had coffee the time I was kidnapped??


I hope I did okay on this chapter. Thanks for reading. And I'm looking for a guy name. Something mysterious. What should it be? 

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