Sean Macentyre

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He dropped me in front of my locker and I realized that our lockers were all right next to each others. We take up a whole locker bay. It's good that Tyson's dad is the principal.

I put everything in my locker except my Monster and so did the other guys. Colton and Jace put their arms around my shoulders and I put my arms around their waists. "LUNCHTIME!!" Colton shouted, throwing his fist in the air. All the guys screamed,

"LUNCHTIME!!" In unison and ran to the cafeteria. Vincent threw me over his shoulder and ran behind them.

We sat at the table we sat at last year. It is a round table in the middle of the caf. All of the popular people sit on the ramp, which we have to walk down if we want to get to our table. Every person whispers about me, because I'm only friends with guys, that automatically makes me a slut. Whatever.

We opened our Monsters at the same time. "CHUG!!" We yelled.

We all downed our Monsters. I got halfway done when I stopped because my eyes were watering. We never eat lunch because the caf food is some of the most disgusting food we've ever eaten.

A guy, about 6'3, walked over to the door and leaned against the door jam, making a small Freshman hit his back. He looked around and Colton waved him over. He walked over with his hands in his back pockets. He grabbed a chair from the half empty table next to us. He sat between me and Dexter, and Vincent put his hand on my knee under the table because he was on my left. I immediately saw that he looked tense and defensive and I rubbed his hand as if telling him it was okay and he nodded and softened, giving my hand a squeeze and taking a drink of his Monster.

"Guys. You might know Sean Macentyre." Colton said. Sean slightly waved. "This is Tyson, Dexter, Jace, Noah, Carson, Averial, Leighton, and Vincent.''

"Well I know her name isn't Vincent." Sean said, winking at me, leaning back in his chair.

"You're very smart pretty boy." I said.

"Well what is your name princess?"

"It's a secret." I said, putting my fingers to my lips.

"I'm devilishly sexy though. I have exceptions."

"Hey I'm the only devilishly sexy one at this table!!" Vincent said and I laughed.

"The only person that know my real name is Vincent. You can know my nickname though."

"What's your nickname??"


"Like the number??"



"You don't need to know."

"Fair enough." He said, finally giving up.

"Aren't you the 'bad boy' with the Harley??" Jace asked.

"That would be me."

"He's gonna let me drive it." Colton said

"And when did we discuss this??"


"There's no such thing as Octobuary dumbass."

"Doesn't matter. You're still gonna let me drive it."

"My white ass!! No one touches my baby except me." He said winking at me.

"A little cocky are we??" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Only with you babe." He said, putting his arm around my waist and pulling my chair closer with his boot. He had short black hair and piercing blue eyes. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a tight black V-neck T-shirt and all black vans like the ones I'm wearing. He had a half sleeve of black flames on his upper left arm. He was pretty hot I have to admit.

Vincent automatically got defensive and he sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "You better watch where you put that arm."

"Woah are you two dating? Sorry man." He removed his arm and put his hands up in innocence.

"No she is my sister. Need to protect her."

"Oh you can protect me from a bear or something." I laughed.

"Well I'ma biter soo..." Sean said. Vincent's eyes opened wide and I said,

"So am I." And all the guys just about choked.

"I believe we all just saw a side of Four we've never seen before." Tyson said laughing.

The bell rang, signaling that fifth period would start in 10 minutes. We all got up and walked up the ramp and into the hallway. "Bye princess." Sean said, walking the opposite way as me. I rolled my eyes and we headed to our lockers.


The last 3 periods went by in a blur and the only thing that stuck in my head was that I had a really hot Trig teacher and that I have at least 2 guys in my friend group in each of my classes. I went to my locker after final bell rang and all the guys were there, already with their backpacks on, waiting for me, including Sean.

They were in a circle around my locker, laughing at something Sean had said.

I pushed between Colton and Jace and asked, "What's so funny?" Opening my locker and throwing mu books in my bag, I slung it over my shoulder and shut my locker, leaning against it.

"We were talking about what we would get pierced." Sean said.

"I would get eyebrow, Jace would get cartilage, Averial, Colton, Tyson, Carson, and Dexter would get lip, Noah would do septum, Sean would go nipples, and Leighton said ballsack." Vincent said laughing, and all the others laughed too.

I thought about that for a second. " would look even better with an eyebrow spike, Averial, Colton, Carson, Tyson, and would look good with lip rings, Averial working it the best.." Averial snapped like a gay guy and kissed me on the cheek and I continued, "A septum would take some getting used to on Noah. And Jace I'm not wasting any time on you...cartilage piercings are for pussies." I laughed and walked over to Sean and Leighton. "Now it's you two I worry about. I partially understand Sean and nipple piercings but Leighton...where does a sack piercing get you?" I said crossing my arms.

"Don't know. I could rock one though. What would you get?"

"Easy. I've wanted a tongue piercing forever."

"You realize that getting a tongue piercing means you will be really good at blowjobs right?" Tyson asked and I laughed,

"What if I'm already good?" Everybody fell silent.

"Can I be the one to test that theory princess?" Sean asked, raising his hand.

"Hell yea."


"NO!!" I laughed.

"Well...." He said with a gay tone to his voice.

"Why do we keep seeing this dirty side of Four today!? Not that I don't like it but STILL!!" Averial said. We all laughed and walked through the front doors.

"Let's go get piercings then. You all would do it. We would look pretty badass so let's do it." I said.

"Alright. I'm down." Vincent said and all the guys nodded.

"I know a place. You can ride with me princess." Sean said.

We all nodded and I follo0wed Sean to his Harley. Vincent screamed across the lot, "BE CAREFUL!!" I laughed and nodded.

"Sean took off his bag and mine and walked over to the truck. "Follow me." He said to Vincent.

"Mount up." He said to me, getting on. I secured my phone in my bra and got on behind him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his ribcage. "Lower." He said, sliding my hands down to his lower hips. "I got in a fight last year and broke a few ribs." He confirmed. I nodded and tightened my grip as he started it. We pulled out with Vincent behind us.

All the guys screamed from the bed of the truck and Sean and I screamed back at them.

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