Date Night

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Looking down at my watch for the hundredth time then back up at the door and still no sign of her. I hope she didn't flake on me or that she's ok. I've called at least five or six times and all I've gotten is the voicemail.

I know women are usually late but, damn it's already eight o'clock. Shit, after all this water the waiter keeps serving I have to pee, but I don't want to get up and she think I'm not here.

I can't hold this shit. Getting up from the table, I walked to the men's bathroom and released what felt like a ocean of urine coming from my body. Washing my hands I begin to get this weird sensation in the pit of my stomach.

Damn, now I'm feeling nervous. So I just know she's here. Leaving the restroom, I scanned the restaurant for our table. There she was sitting with her back facing me. As I got closer to the table my nervousness intensified.

I don't know why the fuck I'm so nervous. I'm Hunter Davis, shit. She better be nervous. Coming here all late and shit like she got it like that. Reaching the table I took a deep breath.

"Hey there beautiful", I said as she stood up stepping into my embrace.

"Hey handsome, I am so sorry I'm late. I hope I didn't keep you waiting to long" she said apologetically.

"Nah, not to long, just a hour in a half" I said back playfully.

Damn she smells so damn good, I want to tell her but it might come out wrong. All that shit I was talking and I'm sitting here scared to tell her how good she smells.

"So have you been here before?" She asked as she flipped through the menu.

"No, this is my first time here actually, one of my bros suggested it, he says they have really good food here" I said.

"Ok, so I guess I'll have the shrimp,crab and lobster burger. She said excitedly closing her menu.

" I guess I'll have the samething" I said closing my menu and placing it on table.

" So how do you like living in Southern Cal versus being up north?" I asked.

  "I haven't been here long enough to have a definite answer, I'm still learning how to get around out here, so ask me in a few more months" she said.

  "Yeah, if you haven't kicked me to the curb by then" I said with a small laugh.

"As long as your not about games, I don't see why you wouldn't be around" she said with a smile.

Watching the waiter walk up to our table , we ordered our food and he walked away to put the order in.

"So, your a young lawyer, how do you like it?" She asked.

"I love what I do, I've always wanted to be a attorney since I was a young boy, sometimes it can be a bit stressful". I said.

" Thats understandable, what's the most stressful part of it?" She asked seeming interested.

"The hardest part is defending someone when you know they're guilty" I said.

" Wow, so have you lost many?" She asked in a whisper.

"I've lost one case out of the many I've handled. That one was about a year or so ago it was a very high profile case." I said.

    "High profile? Like a celebrity or something?" She asked.

"Not quite, but something like that." I said as I watched the waiter place my plate in front of me.

"This looks amazing" she said while placing her napkin on her lap.

"Hell yeah" I said taking a bite of the burger.

  "Gotdamn, this shit good" I said after swallowing what was in my mouth.

"It really is, and don't be looking at me like that I don't play when it comes to my food." She said.

"My bad, you just not playing around with it." I said while laughing.

" I sure ain't and if you don't stop looking at me like that Ima eat yours" she said with a playful attitude.

" My bad killa" I said laughing while putting both hands up to surrender.

We both ate our food, I was amazed at how she cleaned her whole plate being that she is so small. We made small talk the rest of the night.

The waiter brought the check I paid and we headed towards the exit.

Walking her to her car I took in its beauty and how it fit her perfectly. Opening the door, I extended my arms and she wrapped her arms around me, and we held the embrace, just standing there looking into each other's eyes.

" You're so beautiful Tori, and you smell so good" I said feeling my partner in crime waking up.

"Thank you handsome, you're fine as hell too, don't act like you some ugly guy or something" she said laying her head on my chest."

"I really enjoyed your company tonight" I said.

"As did I, next time it'll take you out." She said

" see you next time, drive safe , let me know when you make it home. " I said.

"Ok, I will, you be safe too. " she said back.

Giving her a kiss on her forehead, she returned the gesture kissing my cheek, then got in her car and drove off.

Walking back to my car all I could think about was how great of a night it was. Even though she was late, I still enjoyed myself.

  Getting into my car, pushing play on my iPod I drove out of the parking lot of the restaurant as  "Teenager Fever" by Drake filled the speakers.

Pulling up to my house, I noticed Nates car parked on the street. I wonder what this nigga doing here. I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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