Am I a lesbian?

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So as you can imagine I get this question a lot, now that's not a bad thing but it is a hard thing! I can't even begin to tell you how many times I asked myself many times I googled that many times that question replayed in my mind.

I asked myself daily what's wrong with me? shouldn't I know this? how will I know this?

There was nothing wrong with me and there's nothing wrong with you.

It is beyond normal to question yourself! its only human to question don't have to'll know when you know....that's the best advice I can give open be loving be kind and you'll know.

let people in love you.

It might be a person it might be a picture it might be a sound it might random but something will tell you something or someone will touch you in a way you didn't think was possible, and that's how you'll know.

It might not happen today it might not happen tomorrow but baby it'll happen one day! That day might be the best day of your life or it might be the worst it all depends on how you look at it :)

I love you  all so much you are all loved you are all strong and I'm so proud and so blessed to have every single one of you.

Everytime I see a message or a comment or a vote or a read it melts my heart! I'm sorry this was so sappy and shit will return to normal style very soon ;)

love you xx

HOW TO KNOW IF YOUR'E A LESBIANWhere stories live. Discover now