body hair

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hello! again so sorry for the lack of updates I have been dealing with some crap lately.

but today I wanna talk about a couple of thing the first being body hair, as we all know most girls shave their legs + pits + vag.

but the thing I hate is when go ape shit if people don't personally I like to shave but I'm not gonna judge someone if they don't. "But pubes are so gross!" they are just apart of the body and as I've said I'm not picky if you wanna fuck then I'm down as long as your clean.

Just fuck the girl and enjoy it yall.

Another thing....Trump is president! I cant understand how such a orange lookin thing got into the white house. I'm not a huge Clinton fan but I rather her over a orange with a shitty weave.

I'm Australian so it doesn't really effect me all that much but still shit is crazy. I want Chris Crocker for president.

and 12k! Xx

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