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barcelona, spain. january fourth.

NOAH GRINNED ACROSS from her with a happy glint in his alluring eyes, "I'm glad we could have lunch! I thought that you were busy."

"You know, as things do, plans got cancelled and things happened," she merely shrugged. Things like me fucking up my relationship with Rafael again, Gianna thought angrily to herself, "And what other way could I have spent my time? We'll be close on set so we might as well get ahead of the whole bonding thing."

"Right," Noah agreed, "So, the launch party's tomorrow night. Excited?"

"I'm more excited to begin filming, really. I've probably gone a bit dusty. It's been a good few months," Gianna explained, "But, yes i'm excited to meet the cast and crew."

"This is going to be a good film. I know it," Noah stated, "I'm excited for our kissing scenes," he winked.

Gianna laughed with him, though feeling some sense of discomfort. Noah Austin better not fuck up those takes over and over again so they would keep kissing. She's done many romantic films, and done a lot of kissing- especially with Alex, but she still felt that level of weirdness that came hand in hand. Most actors ignore that weirdness, but Gianna was simply not one of them.

Throughout the lunch, she discovered that Noah lived on the floor below, and that the director lived above her. The producers and some important crew also lived on the apartment block. Majority of the crew, such as assistants, lighting and sound, were employed locally, so they needn't buy out a whole street of hotels.

But the word 'lived' left bitterness on her sweet tongue, especially when it was tied with a Catalonian address that was not the cosy 4 bed home beside her second family and before a luscious green park, the cosy 4 bed home where the sun set every night behind the famed Camp Nou and the cosy 4 bed home where Gianna would sit on her balcony cross-legged and grinning at the boy on the balcony beside.

But as Noah blabbed on about how he immersed and re-calibered himself in the role of a grounded, humble university student, Gianna's eyes shifted from the actor to the people over his shoulder.

"Mierda. Idiotas. Dios, dame fuerzas," Gianna uttered under her breath in pure irritation. By then, their eyes had met and a smirk spread on the Brazilian's face. He raised a hand and obnoxiously waved, fleeing from his chair and rushing to their table. ('Fuck. Idiots. God, give me strength')

"Gianna!" he exclaimed, giving her an extravagant hug from above, "Sorry, am I interrupting your date?"

She had learned enough Portuguese phrases for Rafinha that she could use in that moment, "Eu vou te matar! Neymar!" (tr; 'I will kill you!')

Neymar dismissed the girl with a wave and turned to the actor in the other seat, who was confounded, "Hello! I am Neymar. Who are you?"

Noah let out an uncomfortable chuckle, "Uh, Noah Austin, Gianna's co-star," he probably wasn't used to people not knowing who he was, and while Neymar did know who he was, the Brazilian was trying to be as obnoxious and irritating as possible.

"Ah, yes. Well, sorry for interrupting but I just would have died if I didn't come and say hi," he flashed his eyes at the two approaching boys, "Oh, those three are Marc-André, Marc and Rafael."

Gianna gave Noah only an apologetic look before crossing her arms sternly at the boys, "What are you three idiots doing here?"

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