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barcelona, spain. january ninth.

"THERE SHE IS!" Gianna exclaimed enthusiastically, tugging on Neymar's shirt, "Bruna!"

"I think I know the name of my own girlfriend, Gi," Neymar chuckled, fast approaching the Brazilian actress. He took her into a hug and a fleeting kiss; there were a few photographers lurking and so they didn't want to attract too much attention. Yes, it was probably a bad idea to pick Bruna up at the airport, but Neymar wanted to see her at the earliest time possible. Both Gianna and him were in large sunglasses and hoodies, while Bruna had her hair hidden also in a hoodie.

"Hey Bru," Gianna greeted her fellow actress and continued to lead them out of the airport.

"What's the plan now?" Bruna clapped her manicured hands, "Breakfast then set?"

It was about nine in the morning, and Gianna had to get to the studios at 12 for her second day of filming. It was Monday, and their first day had been the day before. They wouldn't usually film on weekends, but what had to be done had to be done for schedule reasons. Bruna was excited to see the sets for she hadn't fully experienced a full Hollywood film creation yet. The boys had training too at 12 anyway so Bruna would have been left alone.

"Yeah. My director's excited to meet you, you know. You're quite famous," Gianna nudged, "And Rafa's meeting us at the food place. He got held up with something."

They were in the car already with Gianna driving Neymar's car so the two could sit in the back and be all touchy with one another.

"Speaking of, are you two okay now? You know, with the fight and all?" Bruna questioned with concern. She wanted her two friends to be at peace.

"We're good. We're good," Gianna smiled at the road, reminiscing of her time with Rafa since he came by her apartment. They watched movies that night with takeaway, and it was just a nice night. The next day, he came by again and took her out for a picnic at an obscure, yet beautiful park just outside of Barcelona. Day after that, she began filming the movie and he was on the road for a match against Villarreal.

Gianna drove straight to a restaurant, which served the best breakfast from what she remembered. Rafa was already at a booth looking through the menu when they came in.

"Hey guys! Bruna," he greeted them gleefully, hugging Bruna in the process. Neymar and Bruna sat on one side as expected, and so Gianna slid next to Rafinha, who not-so-subtly kissed her cheek and bid a good morning. He had a small smile on his face- a little change from the recent days where he was incredibly downcast. He hadn't played a single competitive minute for Barcelona in 2017 and he was getting a bit frustrated.

"How long are you staying?" Gianna asked Bruna after they ordered.

"Only a week, but a week is better than nothing, right?" Bruna pulled her lips into a tight smile, "I have a bunch of interviews and appearances and auditions."

"Which i'm sure you'll do great in all," Neymar reassured her, "It's the life of a celebrity. I'm glad we can all understand each other here," Neymar sighed, lookihg between Rafinha, Gianna and Bruna.

They all haphazardly agreed, still all a bit hazy at that time. Soon enough with little conversation, their food arrived. Everyone had relatively healthy meals for the boys were about to train and Gianna wasn't well pleased with the idea of throwing up on her co-stars in the middle of the take from having too much food she couldn't digest quickly.

"I'm going back to L.A on the twentieth for a charity gala- just the weekend though. I wish you could all come with me and i'd tour you around the city," Gianna spoke.

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