twenty one

688 20 18

february second. los angeles, usa.

GIANNA MASON WAS STRESSED first thing in the morning on a vanity chair. People fussed around her, but she herself was far more fussed as she furiously tapped on her iPhone, ignoring the tugs of a curling iron against her hair.

She was trying to get in touch with literally everybody possible in Barcelona, but since she was in Los Angeles, she had to message them through forms which required WiFi, and the most ideal people to contact were a, on a football pitch, kicking around a ball, or b, watching the idiots kick around the ball. It was almost 6pm in Barcelona, but almost 10am in Los Angeles, and while having her hair done, Gianna had been watching for live updates of FC Barcelona playing Athletic Bilbao, when she read something worrying.

The headline went something like ❝RAFINHA INJURED BADLY❞ and Gianna Mason had thirteen simultaneous heart attacks because no, anyone but him. He didn't deserve to be injured; no one did. The video that came with it was highly graphic and disturbing even despite the fact that it was filmed by a phone directed at a TV screen instead of the actual footage itself.

The blood that gushed from his face as he shuddered on the grass was painful for anyone watching because there was just so much and he looked to be in so much pain. She wished she could reach out across her phone, through the TV and caress him in hope to make any part of him a little bit better.

Gianna had been trying to contact any of the WAGs in Barcelona to see if they knew much else, but how could they? The game had still been going on and they were probably still rooted in their seats. All Gianna got back was an apology from Antonella about her lack of knowledge and an offer to go into the tunnel and to the treatment room to see, but Gianna declined, saying that she would just contact him.

When she read that it was maybe a broken nose, the weight was lifted off her shoulder by a lot because at least it wasn't his legs or feet damaged. Damaging those always feels like the end of the world for any footballer and it would've broken Gianna's heart to see him with his world imploding.

It wasn't for another hour until she got sufficient contact. In that hour, her hair and makeup were completed and she had been briefed on what was to happen during the talkshow she was appearing on- The Ellen DeGeneres Show. When a little bubble and three dots appeared on the screen, and seconds later, an 'i'll FaceTime you' came through, Gianna shooed away everyone in her dressing room.


"Cabrón! Idiota! Mierda!" she quickly cut him off, frowning at the large, white plaster that covered a lot of his forehead, "Are you okay?"

"Why are you making it seem like it's my fault?" he whined weakly, "Hello to you too Gigi! And i'm fine- just a bit exhausted from it all."

"Rafita, your shirt," she sighed, looking at his blood-soaked shirt and stained neck. You'd think they'd clean him up, but nope, apparently.

"Gi, i'm fine. I promise," he reassured again, "It's nothing serious- maybe a game or two out. I can handle that. I could use a break anyway."

Gianna frowned, "Baby, you've only been fit for like, 5 days!"

About three weeks prior, a few days after the gala, Rafael suffered an achilles tendon injury that set him aside for about two weeks. It wasn't the end of the world, unlike how he felt when he did his ACL in. It was a nice break since Gianna whisked him away to L.A for a weekend and there, she introduced him to some friends and got to spend time with him outside of their little dream bubble that was Barcelona.

"At least it's not my legs," he echoed her earlier thoughts, "I'll be fine. Don't you have an interview to get to? With Ellen?"

Gianna flipped her phone around to show her the surroundings of her dressing room, "I've got ready. I was in hair and makeup when I found out. I've been so worried, Raf. I was texting Anto and everything."

"You shouldn't have worried so much; stop worrying!" he insisted, "It sucks having to miss a few games, but i'm so happy it's not my legs, okay? But I probably can't pick you up myself when you come back. Should I get a taxi or Ney?"

"You don't have to come to the airport! But Ney probably. And don't forget to tell him that i'm sorry for missing his birthday party," Gianna was more visibly relaxed as Rafael kept assuring her, "Have you spoken to Marc?"

"Yeah, he came and saw me earlier to apologise, but you know, it's not his fault. It was more mine to be honest; I was in the way," Rafael shrugged to which Gianna just hummed, "What, you're not even going to tell me that it's not my fault?"

She stifled a laugh, "Rafael, you just said that it's your fault. It wasn't Marc's so i'm not going to argue! I saw the video."

"I hate you," he grumbled, "When you're on Ellen, don't forget to tell the world how much you love me!"

"You're so excited we're making it public-official, aren't you?" she grinned.

Rafael nodded enthusiastically, "Um, yes! I can kiss you in the streets of Barcelona now with no problem and post about you on all my social media because baby, you're art."

A heavy blush rose to her cheeks, "Rafita, stop it! You're so sweet. I better go though. I love you, take care of yourself!"

"I love you too."


"So," a knowing smile spread across Ellen's face as she clapped her hands and looked at her guest, "Just a few hours before, we had- well we didn't have, a certain someone had a mishap."

Gianna crossed her legs and grinned like a cheshire cat, unable to stop herself. The interview had been going on for about 10 minutes and now Ellen was shifting the focus to Gianna's big announcement, "Yes, a certain someone did have a mishap, is a nice way to put it."

"You know, it's funny, because I walked past your dressing room earlier and I could just hear you swearing on a phone call. Do you want to tell everyone what that's about?" Ellen alluded.

"Okay," Gianna breathed slowly, preparing herself to announce something she had never done in her career before, "Well, a few hours ago, I found out my boyfriend practically split his forehead open and I got so scared and he didn't answer for a while, so when he did, I just had to let it out."

She heard a few gasps from the mention of the word 'boyfriend' and then some more horrified ones as the huge screen behind her displayed a still of him on the floor, blood evidently pouring out. It was very hard to miss.

"But he's okay, now?" Ellen gaged.

"Yep, fine- I don't think i'm really allowed to say much of his current state. Barcelona might sue me," Gianna giggled, "But yes, Rafael is fine."

"Do you want to tell everyone how you two met? Cause you told me backstage and it's adorable. It's Rafinha right? Or Rafael?" Ellen smirked, "Oh, would you look at that, everyone! Our golden girl is blushing. Go on, tell everyone about him."

Gianna laughed and settled her beating pulse, "We met 10 or 11 years ago in Barcelona and we were neighbours. We became best friends but lost touch a couple of years ago when I moved out to LA to kick start my career, and I recently got in touch with him again, and one thing led to another-"

"And now you're dating your beat friend. My, Gianna Mason, you really are living the dream, aren't you?" Ellen commented, "This is your first public relationship, right?"

"Yes, to both questions! I'll let you into a little secret, which is that I actually haven't dated anyone through the entirety of my career," Gianna winked.

"So, you could say, that you had just been waiting for him to come along again?"

"Yes, you could say that."


a/n: so, first chapter of part two! im sorry this was short, but this will roughly be the length of most chapters because apparently i can only write 2000+ worded chapters for state of grace lmao! hope you enjoyed! vote and comment xxxx k

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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