Chapter 15 If you're afraid of wolves, stay out of the forest

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Chapter 15 If you're afraid of wolves, stay out of the forest

“Are you two finished?” Daniel called from the hallway. He had one hand on the railing of the stairwell and smiled amused. “If you take any longer, the banquet will be over before we have left.”
Amelia peeked around the door. “A few more minutes, Daniel. It takes time for a young woman to dress herself up. Why can’t men understand?” She drew back into the room, leaving her brother laughing.

Amelia returned to Milena and ran her fingers through the gypsy girl’s curls. “You look beautiful,” she said, “perfect for your first banquet. You will love it.”
Milena bit her lip Suddenly she wasn’t so sure this would be a good idea. The only people on this feast would be gadje. They would be people she did not know. Would they accept her?
She looked at her reflection in Amelia’s mirror. She barely recognized the girl staring back at her. A light rouge was powdered on her cheekbones. Her eyes seemed bigger and darker. Her curls were oiled and brushed. Everything was brought on very delicately, but she still felt like a different person.
Milena shifted her eyes towards Amelia’s image. The girl looked beautiful. She felt quite ordinary next to Amelia.
“Come,” Amelia spoke, “we must go before my brother decides to leave without us.” She ushered Milena to her feet. “I promised to wish Emily good night before we go.”

Milena followed her to the younger girl’s room. Emily was already in bed. She smiled when Amelia and Milena entered. “I thought you had left already,” she said in a delicate tone.
“And not wish you goodnight?” Amelia leaned forward and kissed her sister’s cheek . “Sleep well my sweet. I will tell you everything tomorrow.”
Emily hugged her sister and smiled at Milena. “You look beautiful.”
“Good night,” Amelia said and stood up from the bed. She smiled at Milena. “Now we can go.”


A blush crept on Daria’s face as she filled Petsha’s bowl with stew. These last few days it had become harder to look him in the eye without feeling nervous.
He sent her a warm smile. “Thank you,” he said and accepted the bowl.
Daria simply stood there, beaming at him with a  ridiculous sense of happiness.
Next to her, a throat was cleared. “Do you think you have some stew for me as well, little sister?”
Daria jumped in fright and placed her hands on her hips. “Do not scare me like that!”
Ramiro smirked at his sister. “Then you should not stand around and dream. The men are hungry. Go help your mother.”
“You are impossible,” Daria said, but she was glad he could smile again. The haunted look in his eyes since the attack had frightened her.
“Go,” Ramiro said kindly.
She went.
Petsha shook his head at his friend. “Do not tease my wife, Ramiro.”
Ramiro grinned and sat down next to hm. “She is not your wife yet, my friend.”
“I won’t change my mind.”
“Aye, but she might.”
Petsha pushed his friend.
Ramiro smiled and shook his head. “Forgive me for my jest. She has been in love with you since we were children.”
“And she though I did not know.”
Ramiro chuckled. “So did Len…” he caught himself and gritted his teeth.
Petsha fell silent as well. He knew it would take a long time for his friend to move on. “Rami…”
“Do not mind me,” Ramiro interrupted him, “I am glad for you.” He gave a rueful smile. “Take good care of my sister.”
Petsha nodded. “I will.” 


Milena blinked in awe when they arrived at the Caldwell Manor. She had believed the Blackwood Family rich, but this really was a palace in comparison.

Torches lit the entire courtyard and several servants were outside to welcome the guests and help them out of their carriages.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Amelia leaned towards her, “just wait until we reach inside.”
It was their turn in the line of carriages. Daniel climbed out first and held his hand out to his sister to assist her.
Milena made sure to hop to the ground after her, before he could think of aiding her as well. There had been too much contact between them already.

Daniel smiled at her and offered his sister his arm. He would have offered it to the gypsy girl as well, but he knew she would refuse, even if he did not understand why. She didn’t seem frightened in his presence anymore.

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