Chapter 48: Miracle happened

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Suho and the others are already came back as they said they went for dinner. I thought there will be no food but well,they wanted to cheer me up as they bought food for me,(using Suho's money but Kai said he was the one buying it for me) which is a box of pizza and also two ice creams. They told me that one of the ice cream is for Chanyeol. I smiled to show them,I'm happy but not in the inside. My heart almost dead. I still can't accept that Chanyeol will never remember me. I'm gonna wearing this ring until he will remember me,who am I in his life before.

"Are you sure,you don't want me and Chen to stay here with you?" Baekhyun asked me for the thousands time while he's holding my wrist,gently.

I give him a weak smile of mine and I just nod my head.

He sighs while Chen put his hand on Baekhyun's shoulder.

"She will be fine.Suho hyung is here,so let's go home,Baek,"

Chen continues his word but this time,he stands in front of me. I keep my head down.

"You,little girl. Don't make Baek worried. And trust me,Chanyeol will be back to you." he doesn't talked too loud,he softly said to me. He patted my head before he went out.

"See you tomorrow. We will pick you up. Let's go have some fun tomorrow." Baekhyun smiled and pinched my cheek before he left.

I will eat this pizza with a can of beer. I already 20 years old so who cares.

"Jinhye,please don't stay up too long. You need to rest,okay?"

I'm not going to sleep

I want to forget everything

"I will,oppa." 

yes,I lied.

Chanyeol's pov

"You will be my wife soon."

"The ring? I forgot to bring it with me.It's inside my luggage."

"Babe,don't you ever leave me."

"I love you,Chanyeollie."

I woke up in someone's room. Then,I remember that I fell asleep. I look at the clock and it's already 3 in the morning. I recall the dream just now and I swear,the last voice was not mine. It was a girl which is my wife-to-be. I already engaged? But..who's girl? and why I can't remember any single thing of her. She must be sad right now. 

Where is she?

Suddenly,I heard something from downstairs. I quickly went down to look what is it.

I saw a girl,holding  a can of drink but her left foot is on the shattered glass on the floor. That was the sound I heard. 

"Stupid guy. I hate you."

She's feeling down right now. Should I go to her?

I went to her,slowly didn't want to make any  sound because I don't want her to be surprised. She's not in her good mood.

"Jinhye-ssi,are you okay?"

"Oooohhhhh look who's here,that stupid guy."

I look around to see who's she talking about but there's just me and her only.

"You're drunk,Jinhye-ssi. Let's go to sleep-"

She pushed my hand as I held her arms to help her up.

"Don't touch me,you bad guy." She continued to drink her beer.

I watch her left foot is bleeding.This girl..

"Jinhye-ssi,your foot-"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. I HATE YOU GO AWAY!"She suddenly shouted as she threw the can of beer to the floor.

Why do I feel hurt by those words from her.?

"Jinhye-ah,listen. I'm not him. I'm not that guy who broke you like this." I tried to hold her but she keeps pushing me away.

Oh no she starts to cry..Please don't cry because of him

"Yah,you think I'm feeling hurt because of another guy huh,you punk?"

"What do you-"

"You were the one,did this to me! We're almost getting married but you didn't remember me at all! What have I done to you until you want to forget about me, about us!?" her tears keep falling.

I don't know how to react or to say about this.

 I was her boyfriend? But why I didn't remember anything about our memory together?

"My guess was right. You didn't want to say anything because you want to stay like this forever."


The next morning

Jinhye's pov

Why my head hurts so bad?! and wait.. who changed my shirt?

Suddenly, the sheets is moving. I turned around and screamed.

"Jagiya,why are you shouting?"

What is he doing here? Chanyeol is on my bed. We slept together and my shirt...don't tell me he was the one who changed my shirt.


Chanyeol looks so hot with his bed hair. He looks at me while pushed his hair to the back.


"Jinhye,what's wrong? Did you forget?"

"Forget about what?" I suddenly pulled the blankets to my chest.

He chuckled as he looked how scared I am.

He went closer to me and pinched my cheek, "How cute,I missed you so much."

I almost slap my face because of his weird behaviour. 

"Chanyeol did you knock your head somewhere?" I grab his hair,softly pulled it closer to me to take a look.

"Oh about that. I think so. My head hurts but I'm fine." He carefully pulled my hands away from his hair and intertwined with his hands.

"Gooooood morning lovebirds! So,Chanyeol are you okay?" Suho suddenly went into this room with a smile on his face.

"I'm fine,hyung." 

"Thank god you're fine. I hope you're already remembered anything because I hit your head pretty hard last night."

I stared at Suho oppa.

"Why did you hit him?!"

Suho hit my head and say,"Don't raise your voice at me. I made you a hangover soup,go downstairs and eat. I will tell you the real story later."

I pouted and crossed my arms on my chest.

"Aegyo didn't work on me,sissy. Go, before Baek and Chen pick you up to go somewhere."

A cold girl have a boyfriend? (Exo Chanyeol) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now