Chapter 7

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Mark realized he had gone too far. "Oh F***!!" he yelled as he ran over to me to check my pulse. My heart was still beating, I was just unconscious. He had called an ambulance and I got taken to the hospital.

"Sir, is this your child?"


"what's her full name?"

"Marcy elizabeth Fischbach."



"Mothers name?"

"I dont, I dont remember. She bailed on the kid and left her with me when she was first born, and I dont think of her mother and I cant remember her name."

"that's fine. Was her mother a scientist?"

"Yes, a very talented one at that, she created Marcys genetic code."

"that's pretty cool."

"Yes, now, is Marcy gonna be ok?"

"She had some internal bleeding, slight though, so it was not lethal, and she is still unconscious right now but you can see her if ya like"

"Thank you."

Mark came to my room just as I woke up, I saw him and shut my eyes quickly so he wouldn't notice. He walked over to my side and started to talk. "I am so, so sorry I went that far. I swear I never meant for it to be this bad for you. I dont know why I cant controll myself when I get angry, I am just so sorry." he started to let tears fall down his face. "I-Its ok, I-Ive heard o-of that bef-fore. I-Its a disease. its o-ok." He started to cry more after I said that. And then I started to cry. "Stop crying, you make me cry when yiu cry ever since the first time I saw you cry." But he just kept crying. so I joked around with him. "Hey! Stop cryin and be more of a man like me!" I said as I turned his head to face me. "Are you mad at me?" he asked looking into my eyes. "I-I cant be mad at you for something that's not your fault." I said as I smiled at him. "Thanks. Your a good kid." he said as he smiled. "Can I g-go home?" I asked as he looked down. "I, I cant let you. I'm sorry." "Then get the f*** out." I said calmly. He frowned and walked out. I was aloud to go home (Marks house) a day later. I was put in my room on my bed for bed rest. Mark came into my room every few minutes to check on me. He kept saying he was sorry and I kept saying its ok. He was moping around for a few days because I was stuck in bed and he felt bad for me. His mood lightened when he saw me walk of my room to watch tv. A week had gone by and I was feeling a lot better. "Watcha watchin?" I said, startling him. "What ever show you want." he said motioning for me to sit on the couch next to him. "Thanks" I said as I sat a little farther away than he liked. "You haven't eatin in awhile, let me go get some snacks." and he brought out a bowl of cheez its and a bowl of potato chips. "Wich one ya want?" he said as he sat close to me. His arm brushed up against mine and I blushed. 'Why am I blushing! I'm such an idiot! Oh man, my ears are going pink, s***!' I thought in my head as I put my ears down as if I was sad but i kept an awkward smile on my face. "Thee, uh, the cheez its." I said awkwardly as he sat back on the couch and put his arm up on the couch behind me. I leaned back so I could relax. I had the bowl up close to my face and when I wanted one I put my face in the bowl and made one stick to my tongue and then ate it. Easy really. I had wanted to watch Dragon Ball Z and mark said I was too young to watch that one so he put on Dragon Ball Z kai wich is the kids version of DBZ. After a few episodes I was growing tired and leaned on mark so I could relax more. Mark could tell I was tired so he asked "Wanna lay in my lap?" and I just nodded tiredly and went over to him. I nuzzled my head into his chest and layed in the middle (long ways) of him. I was tall but not very big. (Makes sense right? shes tall but thin) and I relaxed a lot and after a few minutes mark started to pet me. Its felt soooo good on my fur like always, but this time it was different, it felt nicer and warmer. He continued this untill I fell alseep, and mark didn't move after I fell alseep, and he sorta couldn't. I layed on him in such a way that if he moved he would cause me great pain in my stomach and legs. He stayed their all night untill the next morning when I woke up around seven and by then of course mark was asleep. I got up slowly trying to not disturb him as I got off of him and noticed that yet again he was asleep with no blanket so I layed next to him on the couch and put my wing on him. He wasn't wimpering so I didn't have to sing wich was good cause I couldn't really sing. The rest of the day went fine thankfully, and the next two weeks also, and I was pretty much fully healed by then so I could walk and talk and fly without pain.

My inner evil shows. A markiplier fanficWhere stories live. Discover now