My inner evil shows. Chapter 4

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I woke up early again, about seven again, and went straight to marks room, and found the door slightly open. (Aww, he left it open for me) I thought as I walked in. He again, was in his bed with no blanket, so I did the same as yesterday, and right before I put my wing on him he muttered something in his sleep, but after I put my wing on him he smiled and curled into a ball of warmth under my wing again. When he woke up he thanked me again and went to make breakfast. This time he made pancakes wich were a lot easier to eat then eggs. After breakfast I webt in the living room and started thinking, then I thought of my family, and my gf, and how much I miss them, then I started looking around for a way to escape. Then I saw the front door, but it had a round handle. Then I saw a home phone next to the tv, I might be able to dial 911 even with hoofs. I went over and picked up the phone, and I heard the bathroom shower turn off. (Gotta hurry!!) I thought as I pressed the nine. He opened the door of the bathroom. But his room was the opposite way from the living room so I was safe. I pressed the one and the phone slipped off my hoof and fell on the hard wood floor (S***!!) now I heard mark coming into the living room. I tried to pick up the phone again but mark grabbed me from behind, holding my wings down so I couldn't fly. "What did you think you were doing?" he asked evily. He slammed my back against the wall and held me up against the wall, put he had his legs infront of me in such a way that I couldn't kick. He had my arms at my sides so I could move them or open my wings. "I wasn't d-doing anything" I lied. "Dont lie, I know your were trying to call the police." he said, once again evily. "No I wasn't!" I yelled at him, looking him straight in the eye when I said it, I was a great liar. He slapped me in the face, hard. I wimpered and started to cry, that really hurt, god he hit hard. "Next time you lie or try to escape ill hit harder." he said in the usual evil angry tone, and that's when it started. I started to shake and shiver. And my breaths got shorter and louder and harder to take in. Oh no, I was having a panic attack. "Huh?" he said as he watched me, still holding me against the wall. I closed my eyes and started to cry more. He let go and I dropped to the floor, and I huddled into a little ball on the floor and started shaking more violently. I just couldn't calm down. Mark picked me up, bridal style and took me over to the couch and sat down with me in his lap. He started to stroke me, pet me, like a cat. It felt nice to my fur. I started to stop shaking and I could breath a little easier and quieter now. My cheek was all red and started to turn purple with a bruise from when he slapped me. (Almost as hard as he freaking could, I might add!) I stopped shaking and I was breathing normally now but I was still crying from the extreme pain in my cheek. Mark sat me on the couch and got some ice from the freezer and put it on my cheel for me. I wimpered through the tears but then relaxed as the ice made some pain go away. "I'm sorry Marcy, I dont know what came over me, I never meant to slap you, it was nowhere in my mind, it just some how happened." I didn't look at him, I didn't want to. He had just hurt me on purpose and now says he never meant to? Yeah right, he just doesn't want me to try to escape again. I just sat their with him holding the ice against my face. When he took it off I did have a big bruise on my face but I, I somehow felt safe when mark was around, when he was happy and sensative I felt safe and protected, but when he was angry and mean I was scared and felt alone. I tried to open my mouth to talk but that hurt so I got some paper and a pencil and started to write.

"Why did you hit me?" I wrote.

"I dont know, something came over me and I didn't realize I had hurt you untill you started having that panic attack."

"Can I go home now?"

"I'm sorry, I cant let you go home."

"But I wanna see my family"

"I know you do but I just cant let you go."

"I dont like you anymore. I thought you were nice, I thought you were caring, I thought you were a hero!!"

I wrote that final statement and got up and walked away, and I went to my room and slammed the door, because I could. I heard mark stomping through the hall so I grabbed the nearest thing with both hooves, a baseball bat. He barged in and saw the bat and said "Put it down." I shook my head no. "I said, PUT IT DOWN." he said again. I opened my wings and flew up out of his reach and shook my head no again. "I will throw things at you!" he threatened. I put my hoof out towards him and motioned for him to come at me. He found the baseball and threw it at me, but I hit it back with the bat hard and it hit him in the gut. I snickered at his pain. "Dont laugh!" he yelled. He stormed out the the room and I flew down and slammed the door again, louder than before, this time he didn't stomp back. I started writing out notes. I grabbed the stack of notes with both hooves and went out into the living room and found him on the couch. "Hey, feelin any better?" he asked sorrowful. I stared at him with evil eyes and took out a card the said "No"

"Ya hungry?"


"Do you need a hug?"

I stared at him for a moment before starting to cry. I ran over to him and almost jumped on his lap. I hugged him for as long as I wanted because he never let go. "I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, my bad side just comes out when I'm angry. And then I cant controll myself." I just nodded telling him it was ok because I didn't want to let go. I let go of him after ten minutes of being held and took out a card. "I'm hungry"

"Ok, lets order pizza!"


"This just got 20% cooler!"

"Hahahahaha, that's funny, watcha want on it?"

I tried to speak.

"Peeperoni." I said quietly.


So he ordered and then we ate and the rest of the day was normal. so were the next few, but some of our conversations weren't.

My inner evil shows. A markiplier fanficWhere stories live. Discover now