Ending number 2. Good ending.

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"DARKEST POWERS OVER ALL!!!" Dark yelled as he pushed the evil more towards me. "DARKNESS EATS SHIT AND SUCKS ASS AND SO DOES YOUR FUCKIN FACE! IM SICK OF YOU AND YOU TAKING OVER ME! ITS OVER RIGHT NOW!" I yelled as I charged all the memorys towards his ball. He let go and flew up so the happiness wouldn't hit him. "I can see their is a way I can lose, I'm going hide in your mind like a coward." dark said as he flew off and I couldn't see him anymore. He came back a second later and said "One last thing." "Yeah?" "Fuck you!" he yelled as he threw a knife at my chest and then I woke up screaming in my bed. Then I remembered the first part of the dream. I ran to the living room to see if it was true.

Back at my perspective

Mark screamed when he woke up because he didn't have me their in his bed to protect him from his nightmares. He came running into the living room and found me on the floor almost naked and screamed "WHAT HAPPENED!!" As he ran over and came down next to me. He put a hand on my wrist to see if I was alive and then I just lost it. "No mark! No stop! Please no I have a girlfriend! stop it your hurting me!! Noo!! Mark please dont rape me!!" and I was on my back throwing my hoofs up in the air to keep mark away. "What?" he said concerned and confused. He went to pick me up but I didn't let him, I was still traumatized from last night, I was throwing my hoofs in all directions and going to bite anything that came close. "What happened last night?!?! MARCY SNAP OUT OF IT!" He yelled and I stopped and looked around, then looked at him, and I put a look of upmost hate on my face. "You! that's what happened last night! YOU HAPPENED! YOU GOT FUCKIN DRUNK OFF YOUR ASS AND CAME IN THE LIVING ROOM AND TRIED TO RAPE ME YOU BIG DUMB IDIOT!! THEN YOU CALLED ME A FAG AND SAID YOU HATE GAYS AND THAT I WAS STUPID WHEN I STARTED HAVING A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK AND YOU LEFT ME THERE WITHOUT CALMING ME DOWN! I COULD HAVE HAD A HEART ATTACK I COULD HAVE NEEDED AN INHAILER I COULD HAVE NEEDED HELP BUT YOU JUST LEFT ME THEIR! YOUR LUCKY I CAN CALM MYSELF DOWN! DO YOU THINK IM STUPID? DO YOU HATE GAYS? Do you think I'm a fuckin fag!!!!" I just let all my anger out at him. "No no no! I dont I swear, you even said it, I was drunk off my ass and I was filled with lust, I cant controll myself when I'm drunk, I'm so sorry I did all of that to you, I swear whatever I did, I did not mean any of it, I am just so sorry." he said as he stepped back, almost disgusted with himself. "I WANT TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW!" "I know you do! I cant let you go, not now, not ever." "WHY!" "because!" "BECAUSE WHY!" "because I cant risk my channel!" and with that comment I was stunned. "you, you really do care, aboit the fan base." "Yeah, id do anything for them." "I still wanna leave!" "No!" "I HATE YOU! OLD MAN!" and with that I stormed into my room slammed the door as hard as I could and locked it. He came stomping after me. I loved to slam doors but mark hated it. "I have a knife in here and if you try to come in ill slit my own throat!" "Stop it! Ok! JUST STOP!! YOU DONT HAVE TO GO THAT FAR! LETS JUST TALK IT OUT LIKE ADULTS!" "Well as you can see, doing that wouldn't be acting my age so I can come out their and talk to you like a twelve year old." "FINE WHATEVER!" "Dont yell at-" "SHUT IT" "I SAID DONT FUCKIN YELL AT ME OR ILL NEVER COME OUT!" "Fine, just please come out." and with that I opened the door, took a few steps out, slammed the door slightly behind me, and looked mark straight in the face and stood up on my hinds. "Hey mark." "Yeah" "Guess what?" "What?" "FALCON PAWNCH!" and I connect my hoof with his face and knocked him down to the ground. "This, is payback, I'm sorry mark. Now GYET UP!" I yelled at him and he got up and took a few steps back. I hit him in the nose and he now had a nosebleed. "Wanted me to act like an adult well now I am! I hate you! I wish I had never found your channel cause then I might be dead right now and not here!!" I yelled as I stepped back, went in my room, and slammed the door again. "I know I deserved that but I dont know how much more I can say! Ive said sorry in everyway possible and I dont know what else I can do!" and after he said that i started to cry in my room loudly and marl heard me and started saying "No no dont cry, its ok, your ok, your not alone I'm always here, I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you while you were here. I'm so so sorry." and I heard his knees hit the ground. I walked over and opened the door and he was on his knees, hands on the ground just sitting their crying. "Mark, its ok. I just wish it didn't happen so often. Mark, do you know what would make me happiest if I stayed here for the rest of my days?" he looked up at me and his eyes and cheeks were red from crying infront of me. "What? ill do anything!" he said excitedly. He really wanted to make me happy. "I want, Ive always wanted you, well since I found your channel ive always wanted." "Just say it!" "Ive always just wanted to be your daughter....." He stood up and looked down at me and smiled and I smiled up at him and blushed. "I would be honored to be your father." he said. I started to shed a few tears and I stood up on my hinds and hugged him and cryed more. "Thank you so much, I take back when I said I hated you, I love you." "I'm glad you do, I love you too. Lets go get some ice cream

and make you feel better, ok?" "I would enjoy that a lot." so from then on I helped mark controll his anger and I lived with him for the rest of his life, and then for the rest of mine, and this is the good ending. Thank you for sticking with this story and if your reading this please respond so I know people care. Thank you, f urself in the a, and have a good day! I will See you in the next story, BY BY!!!

My inner evil shows. A markiplier fanficWhere stories live. Discover now