Diane saw everything. She was a wonder from birth. She paid attention to every little detail, and always managed to see every single little thing that went on. It was a mystery to how she managed to keep smiling from day to day. Diane was a strong girl, no doubting that, but how much longer would she be able to keep that up? Only time could decide that.
Diane screamed at the top of her lungs, directing it toward her father in the doorway. She abruptly ceased and watched as her father's face stiffened with anger. He slammed the door to her room, leaving her to cry on the floor.
"I wish I was never born!" She choked out through sobs and tears. She sat crossed-legged, her upper body draped over the blanket on her bed. She took a heavy inhale, and an equal exhale, to try and calm herself down. It only worked slightly. "Why did she leave..." Diane mumbled quietly through sniffles. Ever since the girl's mother died, she began going through severe depression. Cancer was a bitch, in her case.
Diane slowly stood, turning to face a window. To her, looking out of it showed nothing but the world she wished would turn to ash. "Why am I here?" She asked herself. "Why does life play it's sick games on me...?"
And with that, she laid down, letting her sobs lull her to sleep.
Time's Journey
HorrorThe journey of time is a fate decided by nature. It is unpredictable, as is this story.