Diane sat silently in bed, listening to the unrhythmic way her father slammed his fists on her locked bedroom door.
"Diane! Get the fuck out of bed!" He would yell repeatedly until he gave up, mumbling curses down the hall.
"Asshole..." she whispered, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands.
"Tell me about it." Came a muffled voice from who the hell knows where.
This caused her to pause suddenly, as she jerked her body upward. Diane was now staring eye-to-eye with a man on the foot of her bed. Though, she couldn't see his face. It was covered by a black, metallic, mask with a sideways hourglass in the middle of the forehead. His eyes were a piercing white color, each iris surrounded by a dark red, blotchy, circle. He sat in a cross-legged manner, his hands and arms bound together by, what seemed to be, sturdy black straps. He continued to twiddle his thumbs, nonstop, in a circular motion. Other than the out-of-the-ordinary actions and features, he seemed somewhat normal. Extremely strange, but normal in a way. He was dressed nicely, at least.
Diane just stared, wide-eyed, with surprise and slight horror. "C-can I ask what you're doing here...?" She managed to stutter.
"Ah. Right. I'm your guardian angel." He muttered sarcastically.
"H-huh?" She questioned what he said, but didn't take it too much into consideration.
"I'm Gel." He said sweetly. She could almost see a smile underneath the mask by the way the corners of his eyes crinkled. "Gelmatahik Zetsyvis." He chirped. "Call me Gel, love."
Diane silently stood up, inching toward the other side of the room with her hand guiding her along the wall as she stared at the man. He just laughed at her actions, his muscles tensing and relaxing with each breath. He was extremely muscular, that part was obvious, but what was he doing here? Diane's thoughts raced as she tried her hardest to recognize him. Maybe it was a prank or some other bullshit.
"What d-do you want?" She stuttered, keeping her storm-gray eyes on him at all times, watching his every movement.
"To help." He said, suddenly sounding like he meant business. He stood from the foot of her bed, now towering over her in height and overpowering her in muscularity. "That's all I'm here for." He said, his beady eyes alone intimidating her.
Diane stared up at him like staring at the top of a skyscraper. "To help me with what...?" She asked, grabbing the handle of her closet door and slowly twisting it, careful not to make it creek.
"You've been having trouble with your life... Correct?" He asked, now holding his twiddling thumbs near his thighs. "That's where I come in." He said with confidence.
"Like I plan on believing you." She muttered, quickly opening the closet door and grabbing a bat in the corner. She raised it above herself and to her surprise, he caught it while she was swinging it down.
"Can't hurt someone who's seen the future." He chuckled at his own remark before clenching the bat and letting it shatter into tiny wooden pieces, only leaving the stub of the bat left in her hands. "Care to listen to what I have to say now?" He asked, those crinkles near his eyes popping up again. Smiling. She thought.
"Fine." She grumbled in a fake and sarcastic manner before sliding into the closet and shutting the door, locking it from the inside.
Time's Journey
TerrorThe journey of time is a fate decided by nature. It is unpredictable, as is this story.