Chapter 1

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Manx stood at the edge of the forest, terrified of what the future held for her

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Manx stood at the edge of the forest, terrified of what the future held for her. She was about to embark on a mission to an unknown land farther than she ever had known existed. She was a Withyr Sprite, a creature that stood like a man yet had many feline characteristics, such as her golden fur and her piercing red and orange eyes that blazed like a fiery sunset.

Manx stood at about five foot four, and was remarkably skinny due to a harsh and painful past, having grown up in a dungeon from five years on to sixteen. Unlike others of her kind, she had no tail, thus being called Manx, first by her mother, and then by everyone who knew her as she refused to be called by her given name, Tamira Jade. The golden vertical stripes under her eyes  resembled tear stains, giving her an almost sad appearance.

She rarely smiled, life having never treated her well seeing as she was brutally torn from the arms of her mother and locked up because of her powers. She was a silver helix of shadow, meaning her powers gave her control over the shadows themselves, to manipulate and even pass through them at will. Her father had left her and her mother the day she was born, not because he wanted to ditch the responsibility of a family, but because of his fear that if his master, the Red Shadow, Dracolitch and master of darkness knew of the existence of his family, they would surely be doomed.

And so he fled the only happiness he knew, creeping back into a life of misery and darkness, all because he loved his family too much to let them get hurt, even though his choice of deserting them hurt them much more than staying would have.

Manx stood next to Vaskin, a paraglisp boy aging at nearly eighteen. He was tall and thin, his kind closely resembling humans but with pointed ears, slightly sharper canine teeth, and with the most striking difference being that paraglisps have a tail with a venomous stinging barb on the end.

An odd thing about paraglisps is that they can fly without wings or any support, able to float about like pixies. One might even say that paraglisps were oversized fairies that had lost their wings and were able to fly by their magic alone, yet one might also argue that with that tail a paraglisp was more like an imp, and it is true that many paraglisps have an impish albeit mischievous nature.

Whatever the matter of fantastical species or type, Vaskin had the charm and wit of a weasel, and could pick any lock you could name due to his past as a pickpocket before being reformed in the service of the dragon Empress' knights.

Vaskin was indeed a handsome specimen of his kind, his almost fangs giving him an adorable charm and the scar across the bridge of his impish nose adding to his looks. Another scar in the shape of a cross graced his right cheek, having once marred his face and now being nothing but a slight blemish that didn't dampen his whimsy. He had feather-brown hair that fell over his forehead in rugged spikes, most of it being covered in a brown hat that could suit a pirate if it were a shade of red, yet it suited him just fine. Vaskin had an eye for valuables, as all members of his kind have an attraction to shiny objects, and his ears and neck were adorned with various bits of gold and silver.

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