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"Manx, you look stunning in that orange gown. I'm sure he'll love it!" Sorrelle said softly, looking her daughter in the eyes.

"Are you sure it isn't too much?" Manx nervously replied.

"Hmm, well, let's see! It's a lovely color on you, it's modest, it's sensible, it's slimming but not too tight, and wonderfully formal. I think it is perfect. Now go out there onto the dance floor. I've been teaching you dance steps for weeks now and I think you have it down." Sorrelle said

Manx scrunched up her nose and said, "But what if I choke? Or trip over something? Or accidentally get nervous and activate my shadowfear ability!"

"Stop worrying and enjoy the night. We are here to celebrate the living and honor the dead, not worry about our dance moves. Now get out there!" Sorrelle said with a chuckle. Manx reluctantly stepped forward and spotted a familiar green scaly cape across the room, and she teleported right next to him.

"Xolt! You came." Manx said, trying to sound enthusiastic, but a bit apprehensive.

  Xolt formally said, "Why wouldn't I? I was invited."

"I haven't seen you around much since after the battle. How have you been?" Manx said.

"It isn't of your concern." Xolt tersely replied.

Manx sighed and said, "We used to be friends, Xolt. Don't you remember?"

"I remember a hazy fog of a few exchanges, nothing more." Xolt said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Manx said awkwardly.

"Yes. I would love to talk about how you became so sociable and annoying, but I have a date coming to this dance, so if you excuse me, quit wasting my time." Xolt said coldly.

Manx shook her head and said, "I am about this close to drowning you in Hadrix's trough of sugared cream, then dipping you in molten chocolate, and biting your head off!"

"You amuse me with how appealing that sounds." Xolt said, raising an eyebrow.

Manx shook her head in annoyance, just as Vaskin walked up.

"Wow." Vaskin said

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong with my outfit?" Manx asked.

"Nothing's wrong, Manx. You look positively stunning!" Vaskin said.

"And you look like a festive tree with legs." Manx said, causing Vaskin to blush.

"What? It's a compliment! You look good in green." Manx said.

"Can I please be excused?" Xolt asked in annoyance.
Vaskin leaned his elbow on Manx's shoulder and said, "How about you tell us what you've been up to this past month."

"I really don't have time for this." Xolt said.

"Yeah right. You obviously came to this grand ball for a reason, and if you have time for the ball, you have time to talk." Manx said.

"Alright then. I'll talk. Why in the Valdt is there a demented kitten face shaved into the back of Vaskin's head?" Xolt said.

"I keep telling him to get rid of it but he keeps secretly having the Kapybara shave it back on there. I'm really quite close to burning it off because it disturbs me." Manx said, playfully ruffling Vaskin's hair.

"I can't help it! I think it's cool, and now I can scare small children on the street without even looking at them!" Vaskin said jokingly.

"You aren't kidding about the scaring children." Manx muttered.

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