Chapter 12

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                             Location: Earth
"Vaskin, stop pacing. You're the reason the doctors kicked us out of her room, because you just have to stick your nose in everything." Leif said, watching him walk to one end of the room, sharply turn around, walk to the other end of the room, and repeat the process.

"Are they done yet?" Vaskin asked nervously, still pacing.

"They just started putting in the stitches." Leif said, crossing her arms and slouching in her chair.

"So when will they be done?" Vaskin asked in annoyance.

"Calm down. I'm sure they will be done soon enough. Manx is going to be fine." Leif replied, looking at the stack of magazines to her left.

"Are they done now?" Vaskin asked.

Leif rolled her eyes and replied, "For gosh sakes, sit down before you wear a hole in the floor."

Vaskin exhaled loudly and plopped into the chair next to her, staring at the ceiling and nodding his head slightly.

"Twenty eight...twenty nine...thirty..." Vaskin muttered.

"Please stop counting the ceiling tiles. Now you're making me nervous." Leif said.

Vaskin crossed his arms and said, "Now?"

"No." Leif replied in exasperation.

Vaskin started rhythmically tapping his foot on the floor. Leif sighed in exasperation and said, "Could you do something else that isn't so loud and disruptive? I get that you have to distract yourself, so maybe go down to the food court or something."

Vaskin stood up quickly and said, "Great idea!" and he rushed down the hall, before swiftly returning to ask, "Where's the food court?"

"There's a map." Leif replied, pointing to the obvious map right in front of him.

"I knew that." Vaskin muttered, dashing over to the map and looking it over while nervously tapping his foot. He then once again ran off down the hall, this time knowing where he was headed.

Leif breathed a sigh of relief only for him to come dashing back, saying, "What should I get at the food court?"

"I don't care. Just pick something." Leif replied. Vaskin blushed and said, "um...Right. I'll be right back."

"He'll be back" Leif muttered to herself, and sure enough he came back, asking, "Are they done yet?"

Leif chuckled and replied, "Get your tail to the food court or so help me I will tie you to a chair and tape your mouth shut so you'll stop fidgeting and stop asking when they'll be done. It'll be over soon enough. Now scram!"

"Yes Empress." Vaskin said, running back down the hall.

As if on cue, the door to the room where Manx was getting her stitches opened and a nurse quietly said to Leif, "You can come in now."

Leif nodded and yelled down the hall, "VASKINN!" and he instantly reappeared, somewhat out of breath.

"Are they done yet?" Vaskin asked hopefully.

"Yes, they're done, and without a moment to lose." Leif replied with a little laugh.
At that, Vaskin darted into the room and locked eyes with Manx. For a few seconds it felt like time slowed down and he felt his heart beating in his chest.

"Stop gawking you dummy." Manx said, beginning to cross her arms and wincing at the pain.

"Did it hurt? Are you okay?" Vaskin asked, rushing to her side.

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