Chapter 4

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I don't even know why I sat next to her, she was as far from the exit door as you can get. What the hell am I doing?

Being near her was giving me a weird sensation, like I need it to have her in my arms, to hold her close to me. What the fuck? I had never felt like this with anyone, anyone before. I was getting a little mad at this fucking strange reaction of my body when I notice that something was bothering Nita.

What's wrong?

I don't understand

What? What you don't understand?

I feel the pull towards her, just like you do. Then there's that need to not leave her out of your sight when she's near, this electrical feeling all over your body at her proximity, your sudden sexual need for her; All those things scream that she's our mate and yet...

Yet what? I asked a little impatient. Was she or not my mate?

And yet her scent doesn't call us, we are supposed to feel her scent above everything else and I feel her just like everyone else.

That was weird, but she wasn't my mate so I didn't give a fuck, I just wanted to eat that pussy and after that she can do whatever she pleased with her pathetic human life.

The class finally ended, luckily it was our last for today. I got out of the classroom but waited in a corner for her to come out. When she finally came out I started to follow her; and let me tell you, for a human she was walking pretty fast.

We finally reached an almost empty hallway C and with my werewolf speed I reached her and pushed her into an empty classroom, closing the door behind me. I cornered her between the wall and my body, lifting her hands above her head. I almost moaned at the incredibly feeling of her body pressed against mine.

She kept her eyes down and her jaw was clench, as if she was fighting something inside her head. Tears, perhaps; who the fuck cares? I leaned forward to kiss those damned tempting lips but she turned her head to the right, giving me full access to her neck. Big mistake.

I kissed her cheek and trailed kisses down her tense jawline until I reached her neck and I started to suck on it leaving for sure a hickey; it felt strangely good to leave my mark in her body. Her breathing was coming in faster waves and her heartbeat speeding up. I leaned closer to her ear.

"You know it will happen anyway, you might as well try to enjoy it; your body definitely does." I whispered and smirked as I saw the goosebumps form in her skin.

I tried to put my leg between hers but she got them tightly pressed together. I could force her to open them, but for some extremely weird reason I wanted her to open them for me willingly.

I kept kissing her neck, holding her hands with just one of mine while with the other a rubbed her left breast. I moaned when I felt her nipple hardened against my hand and the smell of her arousement filled my nose. I had never felt the need to posses someone so much before, I have to make her mine.

"Mmm, your arousement smells so good, I could just eat you right now." I tried to get my leg between hers again but she wouldn't budge.

She was starting to shake and suddenly I felt something warm touched my right cheek. I looked up and saw tears running down her cheeks.

"So, you're just going to force me to have sex with you, without caring that you're hurting me, that I don't want to?" She said with a soft broken tone.

It wasn't the first time that I have done this, I do it every full moon for fuck sake; but the way she said it, it really got me. I don't know if it was her broken voice, the tears that kept falling silently from those eyes that didn't dare to look at me or the way her body was shaking out of fear; but for the first time in a very long time I felt that this was wrong. Oh shit, my father would punish me so bad if he knew I just doubted.

Are you sure she's not our mate, because it fucking feels different with her. This feelings, this remorse were not normal.

I was still looking at her face and she still refused to meet my gaze, I had the sudden urge of seeing those mysterious eyes.

I... I don't know, everything about her scream that she's our mate except the one thing that should.

Maybe it's different because she's human? I wonder, trying to find a logical explanation to all this confusion inside me.

I really doubt it, it shouldn't make any difference.

But it fucking does, damn it. You're the one who is supposed to know, do you have your compass broken or something? Does your nose doesn't work anymore?

Fuck you, Vals.

I growled loudly in frustration and felt all her body tense up. Why do I feel bother by the idea of her fearing me? Everybody should fear me. As a Trenth I can have whatever I want, when I want it; and I wanted her... But why? Why I want her to be mine willingly?

"Are you going to let me go?" She asked me with that damn sexy voice of hers.

I leaned forward and she turned her face again, I nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck. Why does this feel so right? Even Nita was purring at the sensation, and she never purrs.

We are so screwed, Nita.

"I will let you go, but first you must tell me your name." I told her, sadly freeing her breast from my wandering hand; my father would be so disappointed at me right now.

She seems to be thinking about it.

"You know I just have to ask a professor right? Why don't you safe me the trouble" I said leaning back a little.

She still didn't meet my eyes as she sighed, not looking at her eyes was becoming really frustrating.

"Raven." She finally answer, almost in a whisper.

Raven, it fits her perfectly with her black hair.

"Well Raven, speak of this to no one or you will definitely regret it. And consider yourself lucky, you're the first woman to walk away unharmed. But mark my words, you will be mine willingly and I will give you so much pleasure that you will become addict it to me and you will beg me to never stop."

I will make her beg me to make her mine, even if it the last thing I do.

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