Chapter 25

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     Holy shit!!... I can see my own body hanging in there. Am I dead? I can't be dead, I mean, my mate is coming soon I can't do this to her. I need to wake up and definitely clean myself, I looked hideous.

     The door opened abruptly and there she was, as beautiful and deadly as ever with her black tight suit and all her silver weapons. She even had a damn sword on her back. She looked like she got out of an action movie. Damn.

     Then with a painful expression she fell on her knees, almost as she was about to cry as she saw my lifeless body hanging in there. I told you I looked hideous.

     Sully and Lena appeared behind her and gasped, bringing her hands to their mouth; my best friend started to cried.

     My mate stood up and walked towards me, when she reached me she tilted her head slightly to the side; as if trying to hear something. My heart, perhaps? Damn it, how can I get into my fucking body again? Her sad eyes are breaking my heart.

     I tried to go through my body, to stay inside of it, to even slap it; but nothing worked. I couldn't even touch my fucking body. What's happening?

"No, no, no." My mate said desperately as she grabbed my body and broke the chains. Thank God she had gloves.

     She put me on the floor and stare at me with a lovingly gaze, I never thought I see the day when she looked at me like that. Especially now that I looked like a mutant with silver chains crust in my body.

"You're still beautiful to me, even now." She whispered.

     I knew she couldn't resist my beauty. You're beautiful too, if I could just told you. She grabbed me and hugged me, starting to rock back and forth like a crazy person. This was becoming too much to endure. I want to get back to my fucking body, I need to end her suffering!

"Please, please, we haven't got enough time. Please, I don't want to lose you, please I'm sorry. I know it was my fault, that I was the one who pushed you away, but that will never happen again. I promise. Please, I need you, you have become everything to me. I can't live without you, please. Please, wake up!! Please..."

     The words that I have always wanted to hear from her tempting lips slide through them when I can't say anything back. This can't be fucking happening.

Stopped rocking, please, I'm right here; I'm right by your side. I tried to scream at her, but of course she couldn't hear me.

     Then she did something desperate, she buried her canine on my neck; drinking my blood. She stopped drinking and opened a deep wound on her wrist, opening my mouth and forcing the blood to fall in it.

So now you want to mark me, now that we can't do shit about. it Talking about bad fucking timing! I yelled pointlessly.

     Sully and Lena kneeled beside her, both crying and waiting along my mate to see if I would wake up. I wish I could.

      My mate yelled out of pain just before her face change completely. There was no trace of pain, just a deadly expression in her beautiful face and I pity the bastard who was going to be on the receiving end. Namely my father, from who I didn't give a fuck anymore.

     She kissed my temple and then my lips, caressing my right cheek.

"I love you, I have always loved you; I will always love you. And I was a fool to think that I would never fall for you." Were her final words before she stood up and ran out the door.

     I stood there for a moment, thinking that been dead was messing up with my head. Did she really just said she love me? And she tell it to me when I'm dead, oh hell no. She can't do that to me. Does she know how long I had waited for her?

      I saw a bright light at my side and saw none other than my beloved wolf.

I knew you were not going to stay away for long, I'm cool like that. I told her and she licked me.

You're a pain in the ass, that's what you are.

That is true, but you still want to be my other half. I'm irresistible.

Shut up, and let's get out mate. I feared she's in danger.

Do you think dad will kill her? 

No, he is not match for her right now, there is too much anger inside of her. But I feared what the pain leads her to do. Losing a mate can bring dangerous thoughts.

No, Nita, she cannot.

Don't worry, she will not.

Let's do this.

     Nita came close to me and like magic I felt her go inside my body, becoming one with me again. After that I felt the pull to enter my body and I followed most willingly. I was so ready to be with my mate. I needed it to find her before she did something we both regret.

     I took a deep breath when I got back in my body and damn, did everything hurt. Thank God they took the chains out of me. Fuck.

"Val, you're... you're..." Sully started to stutter as tears fall down her cheeks.

"I'm... alive." I finished for my best friend and smiled before I started to cough. Damn my body hurts like hell.

"You're alive and my alpha thinks you're death."

     I arched at eyebrow at that.

"Long story, Babe tried to connect with her, tell her that she's alive before she does something stupid."

     I saw Lena closed her eyes and a furrowed form on her forehead.

"I can't, she blocked everyone out, but Travis said she kill Aaron. She killed your father and ran off."

She's going to try and kill herself, we most find her.

Let's go.

     I stood up and with my half broken body started to go out the door and fell like a stupid baby.

"You lost a lot of blood, Val, your body is weak. Take my blood."

     I didn't object, I bit her neck and swallowed as much blood as I could without killing her, trying my best to ignore the growling sound of her mate. Sully's blood help me but wasn't enough, so her mate offered her blood, and I had to ignore Sully's silent growl. Damn, why does werewolf had to be so jealous? 

     After gaining most of my strength back I changed into my wolf and went to find my mate.


Hey guys, not sure how I feel about this chapter but I hope you like it, thank you so much for keeping with me until know and taking from your time to read my story. Just one more chapter to go. Thank you for liking and don't be afraid to comment what you like or didn't like that much. 

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