Chapter 23

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     Lena, Sully and I were hidden close to the pack house while we waited for Travis signal. The plan was simply; tonight all my future pack were wearing gloves, along with the pack members that were on our side. They were stupid enough to always reunite in the same spot so we buried silver blades and crossbows in specific points, each acknowledged by them. Before Aaron starts to hurt his victim they will bow and take me as their alpha. The pack house is not far from them so I will bow and ask them to be part of me, of my pack. The moment they all accept hell will break lose.

     Travis and Rain were specifically commanded to face Aaron, none of the others had the strength and even they were not strong enough. I just needed them to buy me time to rescue my mate.

"A fair warning, her condition is not... she looked..." Sully tried to explain but couldn't find the words.

"Save it." I said to her.

     I will see it when I see it. I don't want to imagine something worse than I already have.

What's this, they all decided to wear gloves tonight. Can you be more pathetic? I heard Aaron thought my ear piece.

     They were already gathered there, now it was just simply a matter of time. When I heard him pick his 'victim' I kneeled and closed my eyes, hearing Sully do the same. I became one with Nick and one by one, starting with Sully, we touched their shared souls. As they accepted me I could feel how my mind connected with each one of them, how they welcome me, grateful for this new beginning.

What's happening? What are you doing? I heard Aaron asked furious, he's probably feeling the hole in his mind of the pack members that left him.

     I pressed the small button on the ear piece and waited for Travis answer, I didn't really want to speak in the new pack link.

"Yes alpha."
"Attack now, I will be there as soon as I can... please, don't die." I order him.

     After all they raised me and I had come to love them as my parents.

"Don't worry my child, we're just going to keep him busy until you get to us. I can't promise you not to kill him thought."

      Aaron called the few of the pack that remain in the house to unite with him as we knew he would and as soon as we saw them leave the pack house we went inside. I followed Sully until the smell of my mate blood's hit me. After that I ran without thinking towards the door where the smell was much stronger. I smacked the door opened and the view was so painful that it brought me to my knees.

There she was, her body was practically hanging, just silver chains locked around her wrist holding her up. She had her beautiful face full of bruises and dried blood, her eyes closed and swollen; she probably couldn't open them even if she wanted to. And her body, oh God, she had no clothes on and the silver chains had encrusted in her body, almost becoming part of her. The skin around them was raw, puss was already forming and there was dried and fresh blood all around it. What has he done?

I barely heard the gasped behind me, I stood up and walked towards her, afraid of moving her in any way. Afraid of causing her more pain.

Her heart beat, can you hear her heartbeat? Nick asked me desperately.

     I stopped in front of her and tried to hear her heartbeat, but there was none. There was no heartbeat.

"No, no, no."

      I grabbed her body and pressed it close to mine while I grabbed each silver chain holding her; Pulling them down and breaking them without thinking. I laid her slowly on the floor and looked at her face, her swollen face.

"You're still beautiful to me, even now." I whispered.

     I stood quiet, half expecting a snide comment to come out of that beautiful mouth, but nothing came. There was no movement, no breathing, no heartbeat, there was nothing. I grabbed her and started to rock back and forth like a lunatic.

"Please, please, we haven't got enough time. Please, I don't want to lose you, please I'm sorry. I know it was my fault, that I was the one who pushed you away, but that will never happen again. I promise. Please, I need you, you have become everything to me. I can't live without you, please. Please, wake up!! Please..." I kept begging with no use.

I could hear Nick howling in pain inside of me, as we both denied that our mate had been taken from us.

Mark her!!


Mark her, she has more chance if her soul is entwined with ours. Mark her!!! I didn't understand what he meant, but I didn't care, it was a chance that I was willing to take.

     I felt my canine growing and without a second thought I buried them inside her raw flesh. Drinking her blood I could feel the unbearable pain inside her body, how her mind had become numb, how she was too far for my reach. I stopped drinking and opened a deep wound on my wrist, opening her mouth I forced the blood to fall in it.

     I was barely aware of the two people kneeling beside me, as I waited for the blood to do some kind of magic. It had to, it had to work. I needed it to work... Nothing.

     I yell in pain as reality engulfed me; my mate was dead and there was nothing I could do about it. I was too late.

That's a lie. There is something we can and we will do about it. He will PAY for this.

He will wish he never had been born.

I kissed her temple and then her lips, caressing her right cheek.

"I love you, I have always loved you; and I will always love you. I was a fool to think that I would never fall for you."

     I stood up and started to run towards thewoods in my human form. I would not transform, I will take his life with my owntwo hands. I will see the light abandon his eyes and his soul trying to find apeace that I will never let it reach. He will curse the day he decided to messwith my mate, he will die and I will follow, for there will be no life withouther.


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