three | dan

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The way Dan described things was like looking at a bag of trash and calling it the galaxy. Except Phil wasn't a trash bag.

When Dan lost his hearing he had to rely on his sight, that he so dearly loved. He watched, animals, people, moving objects, just cause he was good at it.

Every time Dan remembered all he had was his sight it made everything he saw more colorful, more full of life. He loved pretty things, the sunset, flowers, paintings, the sky, the stars, plants. He would always described them in a way he only could.

Out of all the pretty things Dan ever saw, Phil had to be the prettiest. His big eyes were the color of little boy blue and his hair was so dark you could put the stars in it. His lips reminded him of a pink rose, his bottom lip was thicker then the top one so it looked like he was always pouting.

Dan was confused at first as to what such a pretty boy doing sitting next to him. He passed Dan a note in which Dan gave him a rather rude response back. But of course, he stayed and smiled at Dan. He asked him questions and gave him his number so they could work on their project. Dan didn't wanna text him at first but he realized he hadn't gave Phil his phone number so he was practically forced to text him.

Dan: hey it's me Phil, Dan

He was chewing on his thumb nail waiting in suspense for Phil to text back.

Phil: hey Dan so let's get this project on the road

Dan: did you have any ideas

Phil: yeah

Phil: I was thinking maybe we could do a book about dragon trainers? Like they battle dragon and then theres a war

Dan liked the idea, it was simple and they could do a lot with it if they really tried. But he had something he wanted to ask Phil first.

Dan: can the main character be gay

He smiled leaning back in his chair, he couldn't wait for Phil to response.

Phil: yes! everyone loves a gay main

Dan snickered before texting back.

Dan: anymore ideas?

Phil: I was thinking like the main character can like turn into a dragon and that what starts the war in the first place?

Dan rolled his eyes.

Dan: isn't that the plot to Attack on Titan

Phil: got any better ideas

Dan: yes actually read carefully cause it's a whole lot to take in

Phil: shoot then

Dan: okay so instead of the main turning into a dragon how about a dragon thats not the main can turn into a human

Phil: I like it got anymore

Dan smiled, at least Phil liked it. He really liked writing and had lots of ideas but most of them were private. He even had a journal that he wrote all his little stories, summaries, and plots in. It was one good thing about not being able to hear, it was always silent when he wrote.

Dan: yes. It's like a really powerful dragon and it turns into human one day to go roaming the kingdom or watever and one of the knights goes to check on him only to discover his not there

Dan: so he tells the king, (the main could maybe be the prince?) And he thinks the other kingdom stole him thus starting the war

Phil: I got an idea

Dan: pls share

Phil: okay but the humanoid dragon thing finds out they declared war on the kingdom so he doesn't turn back in to a dragon and the main finds him (yes he is the prince) and they become friends and fall in love but then he founds out hes a dragon

Dan: I love this idea

Phil: okay let's work on it tomorrow after school

Dan: my place or yours

Phil: yours if we can

Dan: I prefer we do it here anyway

Phil: lol okay bye

Dan: who says lol anymore

Phil: me

Dan: lol okay bye

Dan was still pretty happy with how their conversation went, even if it was just about their story, which was gonna be fucking epic. He could tell. He felt a little sting at side and opened his eyes to his little brother, Adrian, pinching his side, which could only mean two things. Dinner or family meeting, and his guess was that it was dinner because they only had family meeting with the projector if it was something Dan needed to know.

He rubbed his eye, making a shooing motion to his brother. He hated going downstairs, he hated leaving his room, but he couldn't tell him that, because he just didn't wanna speak.

He smiled at his mom when he went downstairs, the smile was suppose to say 'I'm okay' but it was lie. He wasn't okay because he was what wrecked this family.

They were the perfect family before, loving mother, hardworking father, annoyingly cute little brother, and a geeky older one. Then it was over, everyone looked at them and treated them differently. Especially Dan. They gossiped about his mom, said that she abused Dan and that's how he lost his hearing. His dad friends talked about their sons sports games and latest girlfriends, while his dad gazed at him whenever he thought Dan wasn't looking. His brother always brought over a gang full of kids over on weekends to play video games in his room, now he only brought two of his good friend over, Kevin and Gabe.

Sure, Dan couldn't hear but his brother always wrote down to tell him what was going on, not because he wanted to make Dan feel bad. He always thought it was out of some form if guilt. He sat down at the table and watched his family chatter, his mom sent him concerned looks from across the table as he was just picking at it. To make her feel better he shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth. She didn't seem fully pleased but was pleased enough to go back to talking.

Once he finished a portion of his food he was about to head back to his room before Adrian pinched him again, family meeting. He rolled his eyes but sat back down. He watched his family chatter, his mom seemed in a good mood so he suppose that the meeting was to be about good news.

Once his mother and Adrian finished the dishes they made their way back to the living room were the projector was already set up. How this went was that they typed stuff they wanted to say to Dan on the keyboard and he typed back. His mom patted the empty seat on the couch next her so it would be easier for them both to type.

Dan remember when we went to the doctor last mouth?


Well, they called me yesterday informing me of so great news

Dan was intrigued, his mother never told him anything the doctor told her when they went to get his check up.

What is it

Dan, baby, they said they made hearing aids strong enough for you

Dan couldn't breath. Was this really happened? After three years of semi-depression and noiseless days he could finally hear again.

But you do need to get surgery before they can actually try them out


Sometime in January

Dan smiled as his as his mom hugged him, pressing a kiss to his temple. He felt her say something, probably to him and he couldn't care. Not anymore, because within a few months he would be able to hear her again.

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