ten | phil

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Phil never thought he would be so bothered by watching Sarah. He always watches her it's not big deal but he always watches her at night. During the day is usually when he'd be hanging out with Dan or Louise. (but usually Dan) He'd text Dan as soon as he knew he would be out if the doctor's office saying they would meet at his house after school. He didn't know if Martyn would let Phil have any friends over if he had to watch Sarah. He couldn't even find the to ask him, he was running everywhere making sure he looked good for his meet up with Cornelia, his ex and Sarah's mother, tonight. He had asked Phil if his hair looked okay about fifteen times. Phil honestly didn't understand his brother. If the girl broke his heart and left him to take care of their child alone, why did he want her back so bad? When Phil asked Martyn this his reply was simple, yet Phil still hadn't understood.

"When you really live someone and they leave you, you feel empty Phil." He had said. "and I don't want to feel empty anymore, you'll understand when you're older and get yourself a nice boyfriend."

Phil had blushed when he said that. He came out to Martyn about a year ago, he never feels completely comfortable with bringing up his sexuality though. He doesn't know why but it makes him uncomfortable. Probably because he wasn't ready to tell Martyn when he did but he's glad that he got the chance to.

When Martyn was finally finished running around like a mad man Phil decided this was the perfect time to ask him if Dan could come over. He wrote it down and tapped Martyn on the shoulder. He turned around and quickly read the question.

"Sure I don't care, I'll be back by 10:30 but her to bed at 8:00, I'll see you later bye."

He bolted out the door after giving Sarah a kiss and Phil honestly never felt happier for his brother. If they got back together maybe things would start to look up. For Sarah especially.

"Can we color Philly?" She asked him. He nodded and went to his room to get the coloring books and crayons. When he came back he decided to tell her Dan was coming over.

My friend is coming over

Sarah was seven, she was barley learning how to read properly but she could read some of the 'difficult' words for her age. But it was still kind of hard to communicate with Sarah since she couldn't read many words.

"What friend?" She asked still coloring.

His name is Dan

She smiled and looked up. "Do you think he likes Alice in Wonderland, he could color with me!" Phil nodded and ruffled his niece's hair. She giggled and went back to coloring. As she did Phil took out his phone and texted Dan

P: change of plans we can't go to the arcade today i have to watch my niece

D: can i still cum

P: gross don't spell it like that

D: ;)

P: yea you can still come

D: I'm cumming right now

P: I hate you

It was almost five when Dan finally got there, Phil was a little worried that Sarah would try to talk to him. He didn't have anytime to explain to her that Dan couldn't hear so hopefully he could tell Dan before she talked to him. Unfortunately he had no such luck. She was talking to him almost immediately, he did even get to greet Phil. She was asking him if he wanted to color with her. As soon as she finished talking before Phil could apologize he went down on his knee to her height and began to talk to her.

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