chapter 2 - run!

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Here’s the second chapter at last! just for your info, this chapter is based years after the first chapter.


2014, Australia

Carmen’s pov

The light of morning slowly drifted through my window as the sun rose. My eyes slowly opened as its warmth hit their outer lids. I slowly got up and walk to my window and looked down on the passers by. My phone beeped from over by my bed. I walked over to it and picked it up.


I was wondering wat u were doing today.

If ur free, would u like to do something?


I smiled and set off a reply.


Im free. If u want to do something, come round to mine around eleven.


I smiled and put my phone back down. I grabbed some cloths and went to the shower. I looked at my face in the mirror. Two dark brown eyes stared back, framed by shoulder length brown hair. I smiled and so did the reflection. I undressed and got in the shower.

‘Two hours till he’s here’ I thought, with a smile on my face.

Time skip

I heard nocking at my front door. I walked down and smiled as I opened it.

“Took you long enough.” I said in greeting. The boy laughed and hugged me.

“Sorry, I got eaten alive.” He said, jokingly. I hugged him back. After a few more seconds, we parted and I looked at the face. He had blue eyes, dark blond hair and a cheeky smile. We walked into the lounge and we both sat down next to each other. I looked at him as he sat there. I rested my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around my shoulders.

“So how are you John?” I asked him. he smiled at me.

“I’m good. You?”

I shrugged, “Meh.” He laughed at this response, as I all ways give it.

“So, what do you want to do then?” he asked.

Time skip

I looked round again, a broad smile on my face as I won another round of halo.

“Fine, your better than me.” John said, a smile forming on his face. I opened my mouth to reply just as an explosion rocked the house.

“Shit. GET DOWN!” I yelled, tackling John out of the way as the wall behind us was assaulted by thousands of rounds. I rolled of him as we hit the ground, coming up in a crouch.

“Shit. What should we do?” he asked, crawling over to me. I looked at him, thinking about past times before coming to a decision.

“Quickly, follow me.” I ordered, turning and running up the stairs. He stood and ran after me. Made it to the end of the corridor and put my hand on the door nob. I bit my lip and opened the door. I ran into a room full of weapons. On two of walls were over a thousand different guns, most of them in pares, whilst on the other two, every sword, knife, melee weapon ever imagined rested on its own rack.

“What the fuck?” I heard John breath as he walked in. I silently cursed myself before running over to the guns.

“Don’t ask. Just grab any gun you know how to use and you can carry.” I said, picking up an FN HAMR, two Glock-18’s in thigh holsters and a weird tube with a handle. I picked up a tactical jacket and filled all the ammo pouches. I turned as John loaded an SA80. He had the same tactical jacket as me, but he had a bandoleer belt over it for extra ammo. He had a WW2 Lee Enfield rifle over one shoulder, equipped with bayonet. I walked over to the opposite wall full of guns and grabbed a Bowie knife. I turned just as another explosion hit the house.

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