The Pool/Slumber Party!

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(The pic up above is just an adorable random pic, hope you like it!!)
Things to watch out for (I will put this on every chapter BTW):
Y/N-Your Name
L/N-Last Name
F/C-Fave Color
S/F/C- Second Fave Color
E/C-Eye Color
H/C-Hair Color
H/L-Hair Length
F/A-Fave Anime (Or TV Show)
F/M/A/C-Fave Male Anime Character (or TV show)
(I will add on if needed)

Y/N POV about 3 weeks later:

I heard my phone ding and looked down at it.

Z- Zane
Y- You

Z- "Hey Y/N Aph wanted me to tell you she's having a pool party today at 5:00 PM and then a sleep over afterwards and she wanted to invite you."
Y- "A POOL PARTY?! I LOVE POOLS!! Wait why isn't she herself inviting me...?"
Z-"Her phone was dead..."
Y-"Oh Ok...I'll be coming, tell her that please?!"
Z-"Sure thing.."

I looked at the time 2:58.

"Okay so it's basically three o'clock right now so I have basically 2 hours until the party...Guess I could eat something then just get ready!"

I made myself a sandwich and ate it by the time I was done it was 4:00 "Gah!! Only 1 hour to get ready?!"

I ran upstairs and put on a F/C bikini top and a S/F/C bikini bottom then put a grey and black striped hoodie and some black torn shorts over the top of the bikini. I looked at the time 4:45.

"15 minutes!" I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone, a F/C towel, and threw some flip flops on.

"Alright.." I headed over to Aph's house and knocked, Zane answered the door and allowed her into the house. I took off my hoodie and shorts and ran out to the pool.

"CANONBALLL!!!!!!" I screamed as she jumped into the pool splashing everyone including Zane.

I blushed a bit then went back to swimming.

"Wow...nice cannonball Y/N!" Garroth said from the middle of the pool.

"Yeah great cannonball!" All the guys except Zane said in unison. Travis whistled at the sight of me in my bathing suit. I rolled my eyes and ignored Travis, I splashed Zane playfully.

"MWAHAHAHAHAH!!!" I did an evil laugh and Zane rolled his eyes then chuckled briefly.

"What's the matter Zane scared of a little sun??" I teased. "No...The sun hates me..." he grumbled.

Aaron came over to Aphmau, who was by the edge of the pool and wrapped his arms around her waist causing her to blush beet-red.

"A-Aaron...wh-what are you d-doing??" She asked him her face still beet-red.
Kawaii~Chan nearly fangirl-exploded at the sight of this.

"OWWWWW MY SENSITIVE EARS!!!" I yelled and growled briefly then stopped and looked towards Travis who was staring at Katelyn's butt, he whistled.

"Nice bootay Katelyn..." Katelyn turned right around and punched him."TRAVIS YOU LITTLE PERV!!!"

Garrote {Future me again: I realize this spelling mistake and am keeping it because it's funny xD} got out of the water and yelled "ALRIGHT WE SHOULD GET OUT OF THE POOL ITS GETTING CHILLY!!"

Everyone nodded and said in unison "YUP!" So everyone got out and headed to Aph's living room.

I was one of the last ones to get out and I shivered. "Y/N? You alright?" Zane asked when he was in the doorway. "Y-yeah...j-just c-cold" I shivered, teeth chattering.

Zane offered me his jacket (Dayyum who knew Zane could be such a gentleman?) I took it not thinking anything of it and walked into the house. I walked up to the bathroom and put on a S/F/C Long-sleeved shirt and a F/C pair of sleep pants then headed to the living room with everyone else.

Aphmau was sitting next to Aaron, Travis next to Katelyn, Garroth next to Laurance,  and Dante next to KC. The only open spot in the circle was next to Zane.

Ugh...I have to sit next to...HIM??

I grumbled but sat down next to him anyways. "Soooooo...let's play Truth or Dare!!!" Aphmau exclaimed.

Everyone nodded. "Alright..." They started.

~Le Timeth Skippeth to your turn because I'm lazy...~

"Y/N~Chan(Or sama if it works better) Kawaii~Chan dares you to kiss Zane~Kun!!" Everyone froze.

What. Just. Happened...?

"Foooooiiiiinnnnneeee!!!" I bent over and gave him a peck on the cheek, he blushed as well as me and then I looked away.

"ITHINKITSTIMEFORBED!!" I blurted out. Aph yawned "Yeah...Guess so..." "Lets watch F/A until we all fall asleep." Katelyn said. Once again the only open seat was next to Zane.

Guess I gotta sit here.

Zane's POV:

The only open seat in the living room was next to me so Y/N had to sit next to me. Y/N was so tired she laid her head on my shoulder and slowly started to drift off to sleep.

"Goodnight Y/N." I whispered but before I finished she was asleep I pulled her head into my lap and blushed briefly before falling asleep myself.


I woke up in someone's lap, I looked up and saw that it was Zane's, I jerked up blushing.

I f-fell asleep in h-his l-lap??!! Why am I blushing so much?? I can't POSSIBLY like him...could I??

I got up and walked to the bathroom to change my clothes. I changed into a grey and black hoodie almost identical to Zane's and some black leggings with small skulls on them.

I walked back downstairs. "Morning Y/N." I heard Zane's voice say. I blushed again. "G-Good M-Morning Z-Zane!"

My Irene Y/N stop blushing so much not to mention the stuttering!!

Everyone else was still asleep. (By everyone I mean Garroth, Laurence, Dante, Aaron, Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan, plus Zane but he is already awake. My Irene 1005 words)

I decided to make breakfast "Z-Zane does Eggs and B-Bacon sound good to you?"

Y/N the stuttering seriously!!

Zane smirked a bit and responded with "Sounds great Y/N" He was up to something...

ANNNND CLIFFHANGER Anyways, that'll be the end of chapter 4 for now. (Wow this chapter has 1061 words in it...SHEESH!!) UNTIL NEXT TIME MY DERPY WOLF PUPS!!!
~Author~Chan!! 😘😘❤️❤️

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