Chapter 16- Summah time

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I was backstage while the boys were on the stage warming up. They had a quick soundcheck and then there'd be some meet and greets and then the concert. They had recently started a new leg of the tour and now had an opening act. They called themselves 5 Seconds of Summer but even they didn't know why.

I had only talked to them a few times in passing but I was going to hang out with them while Niall was doing the meet and greets. I was prepared for some awkwardness. I didn't mind the guys at all but being the outsider in a new group is always uncomfortable.

"Amy! There you are." The familiar Irish voice called down the hall. "We're running late to the meet and greets so I have to run but I'll catch up with you while 5sos are on." Niall said all of this as he was approaching me and right as he passed me he planted a swift kiss on my cheek before continuing down the hall with the other guys. I guess I should go find the other boys now.

5 Seconds of Summer

Is what the sign outside the dressing room said. Alright lets do this.

I opened the door slowly to the sounds of yelling and cheering. Three backs were facing me, their fronts were pointed toward a TV displaying a game of Fifa. A fourth person was sitting off to the side playing the guitar quietly. He was the only one to take notice of my entrance.

"Hey! Amy right?" He waved me over.

"Yup." I smiled. "And I've been introduced to a lot of people recently so I kinda forget your name, sorry." I said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it." He put the guitar off to the side and stood offering his hand. "I'm Ashton."

"Well hi, Ashton. I take it you're the guitarist?"

"Ha, actually no. I'm the drummer." He responded with a little giggle.

"Oh, so who is the guitarist?" I said eyeing the three guys on the couch who appeared to be on the last 3 minutes of a very close game.

"That would be Mikey, the one with the purple and black hair. Luke plays too and he's what you could call the lead singer." He gestured to the blonde in the middle and then continued on to the guy on the end. "And that's Calum, he plays the bass guitar and sings quite a bit too. Mikey sings sometimes as well."

The game finally ended and Luke looked distraught while Mikey cheered. 

"Oi, mates, you gonna say hi to our guest?" Ashton took their attention. The three of them approached saying various greetings.

"What are they feeding you guys over in Australia?" I asked after a minute or so of conversation. "You guys are all giants." The band laughed.

"Y'know, just the regular diet of kangaroo and tarantulas." Luke joked.

I rolled my eyes. "So what are we gonna do for the next hour?" The 1D boys were gonna be a while.

"We were actually thinking of doing a twitcam so if you want in on that you could join us." Calum suggested.

I wasn't sure about that. I still hadn't had much exposer publicly. Only a few pictures when we were going to the restaurant the other day. 

"I  think I'll stay off screen but I'll watch." I wanted Niall to be with me until I could get used to this whole thing.

"Sure thing, pull a chair up wherever. We'll be on the couch." Mikey said while opening his laptop and setting up the video chat.

The guys were being the typical, slightly sexual, group of teenage guys. They were completely goofing off making it absolutely hilarious to watch. They were putting music on and dancing.

"Put on some classics, Lukey." Ashton told the slightly less crazy bandmate.

Stacy'smom has got it going on

The song started blaring accompanied by ridiculous, interpretive dancing by the others. As Luke turned the laptop to face Calum and Mike it was jostled a little too far and I saw myself on the screen for a moment. Oh no.

About 30 seconds went by before the tweets section went crazy. 

"Uh, Amy, I think they want you to say hi." Ashton scrolled through some of the tweets.

I sat in silence for a second. Should I do this? I mean, what could go wrong? I just can't say anything stupid, right?

"Uh, yeah, okay." Deep breathes. It was basically just a computer. Luke turned the laptop again and Michael and Calum sat next to me. "So, hi." I had no idea what I was doing. What was I supposed to say. "I'm Amy, Niall's girlfriend."

"We just met Amy. When did you get here?" Mike asked for the benefit of out audience.

"Just last night." A yawn escaped my mouth. "The jet lag is finally catching up with me I guess."

"You're still watching the concert, right?" Calum asked hopefully.

"Yeah, of course. I wouldn't miss you guys running round the stage." I laughed at the thought. I wonder if they dance like they were dancing a few minutes ago.

"People are asking queations for you." Luke said. "Wanna answer some?"

"Sure." I responded.

"Who's your favorite out of 1D other than Niall?"

"Whoever said Niall was my favorite?" I joked. "Uhm, I guess Louis, wait no, Harry, ughh Zayn definitely, but Liam's so nice." I contemplated for a moment. "I'll let you guys know after I've been living with them for 2 weeks." The guys laughed around me. "Next question."

"Let's see..." Luke scrolled through some tweets. "Where are you from?"

"New England." I didn't want anyone to be able to find my house or anything so I stayed pretty vague. "And you guys have some really weird slang over here." I added.

"Just wait till you go to Australia sometime." Ashton giggled. "You won't know what hit ya."

"Oh yeah...I'll be there with you guys in like three weeks." Wow. I just realized I'm going to freaking Australia in less than a month! "You'll have to showme around.

Just then a man popped his head through the door. "Five Seconds of Summer, on in five."

"We've gotta get ready then. See ya in the crowd?" Luke asked.

"Sure thing! I just have to go find Niall." I sighed as I stood up. This place is huge, it'll take me forever to find him.


Hi :) So here's an update....I'm not sure if I like this chapter so much :/ It's more of a warmup, I have to get back into the swing of writing.

If you have any suggestions or things that you want to happen let me know!

Thanks :)

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