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I walked down the street to my favourite coffee shop. I opened the doors and walked to the register. "One Coffee please. The regular."

"Of course, Summer. How's Freddy?" The lady, Quinn, asked as she started fixing up my coffee.

"He's in a coma." I frowned a little.

"Oh. Honey, I'm so sorry." She replied handing me my coffee.

"On the house." She finished.

"Okay, thank you." I smiled sitting down

This tall, very handsome boy walked over.

"Hi, Um, can I borrow some sugar?" He asked pointing to the sugar jar next to me.

"Of course." I handed it to him.

"I'm Summer." I smiled.

"Carter." He nodded, smiling. Then he turned away and walked back to his table.

I smiled to myself then he got up, walked back over and sat down at my table. "I'm sorry, I really wanna get to know you. You seem really awesome."

I smiled. "I am."

We laughed and talked and talked.

"Here, my number. I have to go." He stood up handing me a napkin with his number.

"I'll see you later." He smiled.

"Bye, Carter." I replied.

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