Chapter 2

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Lel Elrond
Ok sorry I haven't updated in forever plez don't kili me (so punny) ok and I know that Elves aren't supposed to blink but who cares so ya bye


"Gimli!" I yell. He looks back at me through the pouring rain and stares down the cliff.

"Don't do this! It only hurts yourself, " I say. "But it also hurts me..." I whisper, not wanting him to know.

Suddenly, he turns to me. And instead of jumping, he pushes me into the gaping abyss

"Gimli." I murmured to the void as the rock closed over my head.

I wake up in a cold sweat. What was that stupid dream about? I looked around. I was still in my room, safe and sound in Valinor.

It was still raining outside, but it was clearly already morning. As I got dressed, I saw the clouds fade to reveal the red light of the dawning sun.

*tiiimmmee paassesss happy dinosaurs*

After breakfast, I met with Gandalf, Galadriel, Celeborn, and Elrond. We sat in silence until Mithrandir (remember, that's Gandalf) spoke up.

"Legolas, are you going to visit Gimli again today?" He asked, leaning across the table to hear my answer.

"Yes, after this meeting I will go see him." I replied, kind of annoyed by this useless meeting.

"Go then," said Galadriel. "If it pleases you to spend time with yo- Gimli rather than us." She looked at the others, asking with her eyes whether they agreed with her or not.

Elrond cleared his throat. "Yes, I think it would be a great idea for him to visit the dwarf now. After all, we aren't really doing anything," He said.

Celeborn put his hand on my shoulder. "Go, Legolas. If you need anything, just ask us."

I smiled and proceeded to stand up and skip off to Gimli's house.


I knocked on the door. A young (you know, maybe 500? At any rate that is very young for an Elf) She-Elf opened the door.

"Galu Legolas! Gimli's been waiting for you." She said cheerfully.

"Mae g'ovannen, Eleniel. Thank you."

Eleniel dipped her head.

"There is no problem. Would you--"

I cut her off. "No thank you. All I want is to see Gimli." I try not to sound too harsh.

Then I walk into his room, where Gimli is in bed, looking pale.



so yea my phone has been dead a lot and I don't have a lot of time so yea SORRY -_-

Waiting On White Shores - a Legolas x Gimli fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now