Chapter 4

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"No," I whisper, tears coming to my eyes. "No, no, no," I say again, each time saying it louder. "NO!" I yell.

I punch the wall, then slide down, sobbing. "It can't be," I say, shaking.

I scream.

I don't remember much of it. Eleniel had run to the door after my scream, and suppressed one of her own upon seeing Gimli dead.


My beloved Gimli.


I threw a fit. Went crazy. Threw the chair against the wall so hard it made a dent. I don't know for how long this went on.

After a while, Galadriel appeared at the door. Likely that Eleniel called her over as soon as she saw what was going on.

"Legolas," she says, breaking the quiet silence of my tears. I hear her walk over to where I kneeled in front of Gimli's bed. A hand softly set down in my back. It felt reassuring, but nothing could reassure me from what just happened.

"He-he's gone, Galadriel. Dead." My voice is shaky. "And mustn't I accept it?" I sigh.

I stand and look at Gimli's face for a moment, then at Galadriel. "You do not have to, dear Legolas. It will be more painful if you don't."

So much pain.

So much misery.

She pulls me into a tight embrace. I pull away and glance at Gimli.

I lean down and place a gentle kiss on his cold lips.

I close his eyes with my palm.

"Goodbye." I turn to Galadriel, her face darkening in the fading light. "So much pain. So much misery."

Galadriel smiles a bit. "And now it is gone."

But I don't want it to be.


A/N really angsty chapter there
Two updates in one day! Whoop! Ya bye

Waiting On White Shores - a Legolas x Gimli fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now