author's note.

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hi everyone, I'm well aware that this story hasn't been updated in 2-3 years. sorry lol. I've been planning on revisiting this story and rewriting it, not only for you guys, the readers, but also for myself, to finally end this story in a place where I'm satisfied with the outcome and to give you guys some improved content and closure within this storyline.

I have a fifth chapter and an epilogue previously written here in my drafts, and was wondering if anyone would like me to upload those so you can get the full experience and better evaluate my new writing. please let me know! (if not, I will mark this story as incomplete and discontinue it)

this rewritten version of 'waiting on white shores' will be much longer and hopefully more emotionally engaging and immersive for you guys. in short, I will attempt to write a story that I would be happy reading, and I hope that the rewritten version is one that you enjoy reading.

I plan this rewritten piece to be uploaded within a few weeks, although I have no guarantees. I'd say it'll be completed at the latest in mid-may.

as a final word, I would like to plug my insta, where I post art every week or so: @ / cedarleaves_

this is going to be fun for me and I hope you read my rewritten work! thanks!

-cecil :)

Waiting On White Shores - a Legolas x Gimli fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now