Chapter 3

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Update: I have decided to continue this story after months of nothing
Sorry guys! I was really busy with school and writer's block, then I went to Brazil for almost a month. But I'm back now. I'll try to finish. Yeah! Let's do thissss

"Gimli," I whispered as I sat in the empty chair beside his bed.

His eyes fluttered open. His hair was almost completely gray from age. I can't understand death well, although I have seen what it does to people. So much pain. So much misery.

"He's been waiting for you," Eleniel says quietly from the doorway. "Holding out for your sake."

My back is still turned to her, but I feel as if she seemed my discomfort. She shuffles off.

I take Gimli's hand.

He smiles at me softly, the corners of his eyes crinkling. In them I see so much pain. So much misery. And also relief.

"At last," his voice is so quiet, so small that I have to lean in so much that his lips are almost touching my ear. "You have come to see me. I'll miss you." I push myself up so that I can look into his eyes.

So much relief.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, my eyebrows scrunching together.

"Now I may rest. Goodbye, old friend."

He smiles one last time.

So much pain.

So much misery.



A/N lol hope I made you cry
I had a rusty start, but I'm hoping to get back on track
Thank you so much for holding out. I promise you'll see the end. (Of the story, duh) *feels sad*

Waiting On White Shores - a Legolas x Gimli fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now