17 ~ morning calls

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Anna was awoken that Monday morning by the buzz of her phone, which was vibrating loudly against her bedside table. She groaned, blindly grabbing for the iPhone 4 before answering the phone call.

“What?” she growled into the phone, unaware of who was on the other line.

She heard a chuckle. “Good morning to you too, Belle,” Trent greeted chirpily.

“Umphe,” she mumbled, her voice groggy.


Anna turned over in her bed as she stared at the ceiling, using her free hand to rub the sleep from her eyes.

“What do you want, Trent?” she snapped, yawning into the phone.

“Come on Anna, it’s 10am already!”

Anna remained silent, not understanding his point.

Wake up!” he shouted.

Anna yelped in surprise as she threw her phone against the wall.

Her breath caught in her throat as it bounced onto the floor. She could hear Trent’s laugh from her position on the bed as she stared at the little black brick on the floor.

“Well, it’s still working,” she murmured to herself before springing out of her bed, getting tangled in her lilac sheets and falling over as a consequence. Anna shot back up quickly, kicking the sheets away before tiptoeing towards her iPhone as she pleaded repeatedly to herself.

“Please don’t be broken. Please, please don’t be broken,” she chanted as she picked it up. She turned it over shakily and sighed in relief as she saw that the screen was immaculately clean.

Trent’s laugh could still be heard through the speakers and Anna felt rage brew within her as she lifted the phone to her ear once more.

“Why the hell did you decide to yell into the phone you little idiot?” she spat heatedly, her eyes narrowing onto the mirror opposite her as she analysed her dishevelled appearance. Her shirt had twisted sideways slightly, exposing her right shoulder, and her jogging bottoms hung very loosely on her hips.

Trent sighed. “Come on Anna! Just because it’s the holidays it doesn’t mean you should still be sleeping at ten am,” he argued. “I mean how many hours of sleep do you need? 12?”

Anna’s hand tightened in anger as she held her phone. “Actually Mr. Davidson, I only received seven measly hours of sleep thanks to you,” she revealed, swaying slightly from fatigue.

She heard a light choking noise on the other end of the phone as she retreated to her bed once more.

“Why the hell did you only get seven hours of sleep?” he asked incredulously.

“I was…” Anna faltered as she tried to think of a lie. “I urm… had to do some maths homework.”

She held her breath as she waited for his response.

“Don’t lie to me Anna.” Anna felt herself hunch over slightly as she released her breath in defeat.

“We had no homework, so what were you actually doing?” he questioned, his voice stern.

Anna sighed, rubbing her left hand over her face. “I was doing a few stretches and reading a few articles online.”

He was quick to respond. “About what?”

Crap, Anna thought. She was hoping he wouldn’t ask.

“Geometry,” she blurted quickly. A wave of regret and self-hatred washed over Anna as she heard Trent scoff over the phone.

His tone was disbelieving as he spoke. “Is that really the first thing that came into your head?”

She shook her head, amazed at how terrible her excuse was. “It doesn’t matter. Why did you phone?” she responded, trying to divert the subject.

“It does matter, which is what we’ll be discussing later,” he told her knowingly. “I phoned to ask if you wanted to come round to my house tomorrow and work on the chemistry coursework together.”

It was silent as Anna pondered over his offer. It did mean she wouldn’t have to do it herself at another time during her week holiday, and she knew she’d struggle.

“Okay,” she agreed hastily. “Text me the address and time, okay? I’m going to go and get dressed.”

“Alright then, Belle,” he said, agreeing. “I guess I’ll see you later.”

Anna hung up the phone, lying back in her bed and setting her alarm an hour later, before planting her head against the pillow as she snuggled with the duvet.

The more you sleep, the less you’ll eat, the voice reasoned as she drifted off into unconsciousness.

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