chapter 8: discussing marriage

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Steve once again woke up with Danny in his arms. He woke Danny up gently and they went for a run and a swim, When they were going for a swim after their run Danny couldn't help but look at his fiancés handsome body and how beautiful he was standing there with the bright Hawaiian sun behind him.

"When are we getting married?" Steve asked out of nowhere over breakfast.

"What about 2 weeks tomorrow?" Danny asked in return.

"Yes perfect, so we need invitations, food and decorations." Steve smiled glad they were finally getting on with the planning

"Okay looks like its time to go shopping." Danny said excitedly even though he hated shopping with a passion.

They arrived at the shopping centre, Steve got out of the car first and walked round to open the door for Danny giving him his hand to help him get out. 

"Why thank you babe your such a gentleman." Danny said voice full of love and adoration, While giving him a quick kiss grabbing his hand once again. They went walking around many shops with fingers interlocked, some people giving them disgusted looks but all in all most people were happy for them.

They got everything they needed and went home as they had to organise everything. They decided they'd have Grace as flower girl, Chin and Adam ( Kono's husband) as the best men.

Later Steve and Danny discussed a honeymoon. They decided to get a caravan and travel for a month as they didn't want the traditional relax on a beach.

Chin's house

He welcomed the pair into his home as they handed the invitation, They sat down and Chin offered them coffee and malasadas. They then discussed wedding plans with Chin.

"We'd like it if you'd be a best man at our wedding along with Adam." Steve said voice full of hope.

"Of course I'd love to! Are each of you having a best man or me and Adam for both of you?" Chin said with a huge smile.

Danny and Steve both nodded and they chatted and laughed some more. As they got up to leave Danny said

" Meet us at Kamekona's thursday at 1:00 so we can eat before going suit shopping"

Kono's house

Kono invited them in and offered them a drink. She gave them juice and they gave her the invitation. 

"Where's Adam?" Steve asked hoping he was home.

"He just nipped out to get food why?" Kono asked confused

"We wanted to ask him to be our best man along with chin." Danny said.

"I'm sure he'd love to, he shouldn't be too long." Kono replied

"We would love to wait but we have to go and get everything ready, just tell him to meet us at kamekona's thursday at 1:00 to eat before suit shopping." Steve replied happily.

"I'll let him know, see you guys later." Kono said happily.

Later that night

Steve and Danny at pizza while cuddling and watching the game, they then grabbed a beer from the fridge and went to the beach to sit under the stars, they took a blanket outside to lay on. They enjoyed going outside under the stars as it was romantic and a way they could get to know each other and talk away from everyone because everyone was usually together.

Danny was sitting in between Steve's legs head against Steve's chest and his fiancés arms wrapped around him. Steve looked down at his lover full of adoration with the brightest smile, He loved night's like these where they weren't working a case and they could relax and do what they want. every so often Steve would push Danny's chin up so he could see his eyes and he'd press his lips against his face wherever he could reach.

"Danno babe you awake?" Steve asked kissing the top of his head rubbing his hair gently.

Danny didn't say anything he just snuggled in more, so Steve decided to carry him to bed he got on his knees lifting Danny before standing up, he carried him upstairs before bringing everything in from outside and clearing away the beers and blankets and setting the alarm and retiring to bed.

Danny woke up a little later feeling a little discombobulated, as he didn't remember coming to bed he looked over and realised he was wrapped in Steve's arms. He wriggled a bit he tried to move but he couldn't without waking Steve.

Steve moved with a slight groan and wrapped himself tighter around Danny. A while later they got up and went to work and about their day.

McDanno's story (editing slowly) #wattprideWhere stories live. Discover now