chapter 13: Danno's letter

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steve woke up in the hospital he had more injurys than Danny.

He moved his hand and felt something underneath his hand.

It was a letter! Steve picked it up and began to read.

Dear Steve,

The doctor said you have suffered from severe memory loss and have no recollection of the events that have placed you in the hospital.

The events are too painful for me to say aloud or I would tell you in person. I then decided it would be easier to compose a letter to tell you because I know you will want to know eventually.

The doctor said you will be better soon back to full conscienious so I'm going to pick up Gracie and grab a coffee for us (you included). To give you a chance to read this letter and take in all the events.

I don't know how far back your memory loss goes so I'm going to give you an over view of us.

5 years ago

We met at the crime scene of your fathers murder.

The governor recruited you as the leader of her task force and you forcefully made me your partner I minded a lot at the time but not anymore.

From then on in we grew closer as we came to like each other.

A year and a half ago

January 12th I told you about my feelings towards you and you told me you felt the same way so we started dating.

3 months ago

It was my 30th birthday you and our Gracie plus the team planned a party at the house on our private beach where you planned to propose and I said yes.

Saturday 12th June

This day was the happiest I've had in a long time this was the day me and you finally tied the knot.

Sunday 13th June

I woke up to breakfast in bed you had made me my favourite. Me and you played with our little girl and cheered her up when she cried because she wouldn't see us.

We left the house and you carried me to the caravan bridal style.

A few hours later we stopped at a garage.

( This is where I tell you how you ended up in the hospital and the events that placed you there.)

You told me after an hour of driving since the garage that someone was following us and I told you they were probably just going the same way.

At the time I thought nothing of it, so we pulled over for the night.

I woke up in your arms and the van was moving, so I woke you up, you tried to go after the driver because you knew exactly who it was. It was WO FAT.

We called Chin and Kono and told them what had happened.

We whispered until we felt the van come to a halt, Wo Fat came around the corner he dragged you away from my grip, he punched you and you landed on the floor unconscientious he punched me and was about to leave just as you started to come to once more, I wasnt quite with it and he punched you all I heard was a yelp coming from you I ran across the room to gaurd you but it was too late his fist had already collided with my face.

Next thing I knew we were in the middle of no where.  I was hanging from the ceiling and you were tied to the wall. There was a gunshot and I woke up on the floor with a bullet on my leg. I made sure you were okay, when we heard more gunshots. That's when two familiar faces came in looking fearful.

Wo Fat trudged in beside them shot you in the stomach me in the arm at the same time he got two bullets in the chest from Kono and Chin.

You were screaming in pain and I had tears rolling down my face.

We are quite the pair aren't we?

Well that's how you got hurt.

You have been in and out of conscieniousness for the last two days, me and Gracie miss hearing your voice. Hope your okay.

Love your hubby Danny and our wee Gracie


Steve's pov

I read the letter with tears streaming down my face the whole time. I remembered everything except how I got here, I love how danny described our time together.

Imiss my two favourite people.

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