Chapter 13: Friends already?

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Xx Aphmaus POV xX

We got home and ran inside to the living room. I jumped onto the far right of the sofa (Couch) and watched as Alesa, Empress and Aiden followed. Empress's glossy blonde hair swayed as she jumped to the sofa. It was long and wavy and had a glittery tint to it. Aidens black amd blue hair glimmered in the sunlight like a star under a moons ray. His smile was perfect, his white teeth shone gorgeously. His blue eyes were beautiful and seemed to light up when he smiled. His body was slim yet he clearly had some muscles. His tan skin seemed purley sunkissed. Wow...... hes perfect..... I smiled to myself as Alesa began to talk to me.... wait! O should probably respond....

Ale: Jess? Hellllooooo?
Aph: Huh? Sorry, what did I miss?
Aid: Heh nothing important Jess. Dont worry!
Emp: He's right Jess. You havent missed much you Doof!
Aph: Uggghhh just when I forget that nickname, you bring it back up! Did you have to you Dork?
Emp: Nuuuu not the old nicknames!!
Ale: Ok then.... anyway, we were just talking about what we want to do today. What do you want to do the Jess? You know, apart from stare at Aiden.

Oh no! I was staring?!? Oops! Ummmm heh...... hes cute ok?!

Aph: What he looks urm... familiar! Yeah familiar!
Ale: Oh ok then!
Aid: I do?
Aph: Urrmmm Yes! Yeah! Heh.....

Yeeeaahhhhh no I have never met him in life before today. Well its only a liiiiittle white lie! Right?

Emp: Anyways..... so what do then Jess?
Aph: Um lets go to town! We can go shopping and get some new clothes!
Ale: Ooohhh good idea! I could use a new wardrobe! Ive been meaning to go shopping!
Emp: Yaaahhh!!!! I need some new cute pink and teal clothes! Their wearing out....
Aid: Yah! I need some clothes too! It will be cool!! I havent really spent much time shopping. Luna ALWAYS wanted to shop for me!
Aph: Oh uh... Whos Luna?
Ale: Ooohh Jelly??
Aph: Wha-! N-no! Just urm curious!
Aid: Well for whatever reason you want to know, Luna is my twin sister! Like we said earlier!
Aph: Oh! Heheh yeaaahhhhh... I forgot.....
Aid: Heh don't stress. Your too cute for that.
Aph: Heh....
Ale: ........
Emp: .......

I tried and failed horribly to hide my blush. Ekkkk hes sooo nice!! I cant wait to get to know him more! He's handsome and has a twin with an awesome name and is soooo polite. Wait do I like him? No, whhaaattt.....? Heh..... But when I tild Max iI liked him it only took him a day to disapear out of our lives for what may be forever. Urgh! Why do all the guys I meet have to be so charming?! Not fair!! Well lets go to town and see where today leads us......

A/N So so so sorry its short I had a busy day amd only had 15 mins to write the chap. There will be another one out tomorrow slightly longer to make up gor this chap. Once again sorry! And LOVE YOU BAI UNICORNS!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

Word Count: 555

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