Chapter 1:

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~Saving Beauty~ chap: 1 :')

The sun is up shining it's ray of hope.
Little beauty is out swinging her basket of freshly picked apples, on her way to the nearest village of 'Hamsbourne'. (Made that village up)

"Good Morning Mr. Peat"
"Why, good morning to you to my dear,  ahh I see you've bought some apples to trade today"
"Ohh yes, have you got any good bread to trade with my apples here Mr. Peat"?
"I've got plenty!! Do you mind to wait, I'll be back to fetch my freshly baked Croissant"
"take your time Mr. Peat, and don't trip on any flour" little beauty giggles her voice as pure as white. Mr. Peat the Baker signals her a thumbs up and walks in his bakery. In a while later, Mr. Peat comes back handing her the bread for 3 apples in return. "thanks Mr. Peat, I'll be taking my leave now. Have a good day," little beauty says waving the good man goodbye. Little beauty wonders off to find other things she can find to trade with.

"Mrs. Ness, can I trade 4 apples for a piece of cloth?" she says to the middle aged lady sitting on an old stool. "4 apples? For a piece of cloth?  You must be insane my dear girl! I am sorry but your offer doesn't match my interests," Mrs. Ness rudely rejects the poor girl's kind offer.
Little beauty walks away without feeling upset nor angry. She went along asking other people for something to trade with her apples.

By the end of the day, once she returns back to her home all she's traded for today is bread, a few spices and vegetables. Today has been quite a day for little beauty, she deserves a little treat and some rest. She treats herself to a little homemade veggie stew and a glass of water.

By the time she's gone out to take a bath, the sun has already set of for the night. She shivers but insisted on going on with it, since the river is nearby.

After a some what cold bath, she enters her room to get ready for bed. She grabs a random book and makes herself comfortable.
"it's been a while since I've read this book, used to give me some sort of sensation" she says to herself.

'Sleeping Beauty'

*There once lived a kingdom with a pair of King and Queen. They have been awaiting for a child to be born as their prince or princess.

One day, the Queen gave birth to a beautiful princess...
They were joyous....
They've decided to throw a party in order to honor their first child.
They invited the whole kingdom and also the three fairies of the east.
But they were forgetting one fairy.

As the day of the party arrived...
Thousands of people came to the event to see their princess, with all sorts of presents. At last when the fairies of the east arrived, each of them stepped towards the princess to grant a special gift.
Once the third fairy stepped forward to grant her gift, the castle door slammed open and in Bursts lighting and terror. It was the fairy of the west, the Evilest fairy of all. She was outrageous...

'The wind sure is picking up tonight' little beauty thoughts. She puts down her book, her eye lids feeling heavy in the need for sleep. "I guess that's all for today, it's time for some auhhhhhhhh" she yawns. 'good night' she whispers  to herself before putting off the fire in the lantern. This was remotely how her everyday life goes on.

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