1. Amnesia

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I was outside. Shoveling hay for the Horses. Well, the neighbors horses. My family couldn't afford them, sadly. 

"Anneabell, please come here for a moment." My mistress called me. I did not want to go to her. But I couldn't refuse the money she was paying me. I dropped the shovel and tried to dust off my pants. The corners of my mouth drooped down, as I saw I could not look any better. Reluctantly I tied my black hair in a sloppy bun and walked to her cabin.

She sat, there on her small white, lace couch. Doing the normal, drinking tea and knitting. My eyes found another in the room. A tall, brown headed boy. Thoughts raced through my head for what she might want. Although I kept my eyes to the floor. Any sign of boldness, I was to get switched, or no food for a day. And I didn't want that.

"Miss Revelyn, please tell me how you are at this moment." her fine accent split my thoughts away.

"I am fine, you, Mrs. Hemridge?"

"Fine as well." she paused, "Please Revelyn look up dear. We don't want to cause wrinkles on that pretty little face of yours." I looked up. She set her fine china on a small glass table next to her. A harsh, half sarcastic laugh came from her lips. I felt a pair of eyes on me. Not ever leaving.

"Mr. Mclain, I do remember you were here for something?" 

"Ahh, yes. I wanted to purchase this fine girl from you. After all she is 16 as you said. Am I correct"

My hands lay held together behind my back. My mouth slightly opened at what the boy, Mr. Mclain had just said. But I didn't protest. She was probably just getting rid of me. Having another braud replace me. 

"Yes, she is of age to leave this homestead." mistress gave me a death glare. Not to say anything.

The Mr. guy got up and handed Hemridge a handful of cash. Her beak like nose bending as she smiled a wicked smile. She hated me, I hated her. But I knew to keep my mouth shut. 

"Very well then, missy. You will come with me to your new home and leave as soon as you can gather your things." he smiled. I tried to see if it was fake. If he was trying not to scare me. Then I thought about what I had to pack. 

"Mr. Mclian..I-" 

"Please call me Jason."

"..Jason, I have no things to pack.." My head fell as I felt my cheeks get hot. I had nothing.

"Very well then. Even more of a reason to leave right away. Mrs. Hemridge," he bowed his head and lead me outside to a black limousine. This is something I wasn't used to. Jason opened the door for me, forgetting I was entirely dirty. The other door opened and Jason slided in next to me. 

"To the mansion please." 

I felt very awkward. I think... Wait no, I know I have seen that face before. The thin line of his light brown eyebrows. Outlining an even more sparkling green in his irises. His smile brought out the dense dimple in the right side of his cheek. Only one? It must have been genetic. His face thin, it looked frail. Set aside from his straight, simple nose. The boys face contrasted very well.

"So Miss..?" he paused trying to think of my name I suppose. 

"Anneabell." I replied shortly. I didn't know much about him, So I kept my answers short and clear. 

"Yes, Miss Anneabell, I don't know much of you. So tell me more?" he actually looked interested. Like he actually cared. That was a change. 

I snickered lightly thinking he wouldn't here. To my luck he did. 

"What?" his half heartily response questioning mine. 

"Please, Mr. Mclain. You don't need to act like you care. Really I'm fine." I turned back to look out my window. Trees passing by rapidly. 

"Who said I was acting?"One of his eyebrows increasingly went up and one down. 

"Myself." I said that word in a monotone. Not glancing back at him. Training my eyes on the wilderness around me. When we hit a bump in the road, luckily I had my seat belt on. My hand grasped the seat as Jason's hand fell on top of mine for a few seconds doing the same. I doubt he noticed though. I doubt anyone noticed. But I surely did.

"That must mean we're here." he sighed and jumped out of the car. 

Two men opened the door and motioned me to get out. The afternoon sun had hit my eyes as I soon recovered from the glimpse of blindness. Jason walked over to me and held out his hand. Smiling.

I didn't take it. For all I know he could be a child taker or a drunk. 

"I see Revelyn that you are not acquainted with me yet, but you will be in time." He smiled before I followed him into a huge set of double oak doors. I stared in awe at the sight. My eyes scanning the room for every detail. 

"This way to your room." Jason led me up a pair of red velvet stairs. The walls being a beige and the floors a glossy wood finish. This part of the house was only three stories, as I had not expected. The rooms were huge. As if many could fit in one. As we entered mine, Jason flicked the switch turning the light on. The walls were a light brown with grey carpet. The bed in a flowery spread with handmade pillows. My hand glided across the red rose sheets. 

"This... is mine?" Jason nodded his head still in my doorway. A small smirk plastered on his face. Probably at my astonishment. 

"Clothes are in the closet. You can take a shower if you like.


I did as he suggested.

Finding only lace undergarments and some sweats with a tank top. I looked in the mirror. I was very slim and bony. No curves what so ever. My hair looked sleek and shiny, since I washed out the grime. The Mirror next to my bed was huge as I peered into it. To find a girl. Looking much like my mother. The mid back length black hair surrounding my small frame and face. Icy blue eyes with a red rim around them. I never knew why they did. My eyelashes so long as if it looked like I had mascara on. My complexion had a nice even tan, From working outside all of the time. 

I turned around as a slight knock came at the door..

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