01 | the unwanted guest

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"Look, Elijah, she's coming in a couple of hours, so you're just going to have to get used to the idea of her living with us for a few months," Jess exclaimed at her fiancé. The latter male was beyond hell-bent on not letting her best friend come to live with the two of them during their wedding preparations.

"Baby, I can do a week. Hell, I'll compromise and do two, but six whole months? No fucking way." Elijah retaliated, refusing to back down this time.

"She's coming to help with our wedding, Elijah."

"No wedding should take six whole months to prepare." He mumbled under his breath, frustrated as he became aware that this was yet another battle with Jess that he would be losing. He'd felt second best in Jess's life most of the time, but when it came to Kylie, he knew he was absolutely second best.

"It does if it's going to be nearly as amazing as ours." She chuckled, gently leaning down and pecking his lips, her fiery red locks tumbling down against Elijah's cheeks as she did so.

"When does she get here?" He sighed, knowing that he would have to tolerate Kylie's every whim if he was going to marry the love of his life. It was literally buy one, get one free with these two.

"At six, oh, and babe, you're going to have to collect her from the airport because I'm working 'til late today." She responded casually as she continued ironing her flimsy white blouse for work.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me now," he grunted as he let his body fall back onto the bed, causing it to creak beneath his weight. He had a total of eight hours to prepare himself for Kylie mentally.

He'd last seen her nearly four years ago when they were all eighteen, and she was still the most obnoxious girl he'd ever met with her extreme sense of self-righteousness.

Jess laughed as she climbed over his body, planting kisses along his neck before hungrily meeting his naturally cardinal-coloured lips that should've been illegal on a member of the male specimen. She quickly allowed her lips to become re-acquainted with his all over again as the two engaged in an intense make-out session.

His hands found their way from her lean and well-sculptured thighs down to her ass and tightly cupped it with his large hands.

He gradually brought his body off the bed, carrying Jess's weight with him before nearly ripping the carefully pressed blouse away from her body.

Elijah and Jess had first begun dating at the tender age of fifteen. Now, seven years later, at twenty-two, you'd think the spark would have long since dissipated. But for Jess, every kiss was still filled with overwhelming emotion and undying longing for each other, as had been the case all those years ago when the two had first clapped eyes on each other.

"I can't do this right now, babe; I've got to get to work." She reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, quickly adjusting her shirt, so she didn't look like she had just had a quickie. Jess felt her cheeks fill with blood at the faint memory of the last time she and Elijah had been at it in her work restroom and how she'd attended an oh-so-important meeting straight after; her lipstick smudged for obvious reasons and her shirt buttoned up all wrong. In a later uncomfortably awkward encounter with the boss, she'd been warned not to let it happen again if she wanted to keep her job.

Elijah groaned loudly. "So, you expect me to put up with the wicked bitch of the west herself, and I don't even get anything for it, either?" He inquired, mocking the pouty face that Jess had completely mastered and would always pull when she wanted something from Elijah.

"Hey, don't call her that." She let her hand bounce against his chest playfully whilst finishing buttoning up the few buttons Elijah had managed to open. Correctly this time.

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