Chapter 17

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AN: ok...hey guys... so 15 days from now it will have been exactly a year since I have updated....HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?? I got soo busy and I really never got back into this story. I reread it, and I think I am finally going to begin again. so refresh your memory by rereading the recent chapters and enjoy! ...hopefully. but in hopes to recap...previously on "we will always find our way back": Spencer runs out on her wedding to wren because it was revealed to everyone by A that she still loves Toby. they kiss outside the church and run away together. they are sooo happy. two months later... spencer explains that they can never be together. WHAT? in a flashback, it shows them getting into the limo and being so perfectly in love. then...the horn honks, glass shatters, screams are faint. soon they find themselves in the hospital.... (remember spencer is explaining this in a flashback, and italics mean flashback) 

I see him next to me in the ER.

Unconscious. Bandages surrounding every part of him.

I looked around as much as I could. there weren't very many people, just a few people with tubes attached to machines. I didn't want to be them.

I'm barely conscious, not really aware of what is happening to me. They had torn open my poufy wedding dress to make room for tubes. I don't think anyone knew I was awake. I could barely remember anything from the accident, just the few memories I wish I could forget.

All I know is Toby wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

I will never forget the feeling of uselessness as I saw him project towards the windshield, unable to do anything but hear myself scream.

The machines beeping woke me from my trance. There were nurses chattering. I heard one in the distance. "Poor girl. Car accident on her wedding day. She may wake up a widow."

I didn't have the strength to contemplate everything wrong with that sentence.

The nurse came by Toby's gurney and took him away. I gathered all the strength I could find inside me. "W-where are you taking him?"

The nurse turned around with shock. "My god your awake." Once she recovered she calmly walked over to me and explained in a soothing voice. "Your husband lost a lot of blood. We don't know when he will wake up." I know she was thinking IF he will wake up. I also didn't have the energy or heart to tell her that he isn't actually my husband. She continued. "He is going into surgery right now. We have the best trauma surgeons on him. we will update you as soon as possible. I'll have your doctor take you to a room."

I didn't respond. I couldn't stop myself from imagining the unimaginable.


I know that I'm explaining this in detail, and you probably just want me to get to the point of why Toby and I aren't together.

Now before you start to tear up, Toby survived. He turned out okay, but with a lot of pain. I suffered only a few physical scars. But emotionally, I suffered much worse.


I started to regain my strength as I sat and waited in my room.

I couldn't understand how someone so wonderful had to go through something like this.

I started to feel faint.

My surroundings started to blur out. All I heard were the machines beeping faster and faster.

The doctors burst into my room all at once, all saying different things.

The doctor came next to me. "I don't hear a heartbeat. Shit. SHIT!"

I didn't understand. I was falling fast but I was conscious and most definitely alive.

"Page Addison Montgomery, were gonna need a GYNO."

I must have misheard that. why would they need a GYNO.


this cant be real.


Then I realized.  

I was pregnant.

To be Continued...

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