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.He said we would be together forever.


Not a few years, but forever. I stand right now in front of his grave and think, forever seems so impossible now. 

But then again, he never said he was going to be killed by a mass murder. Or that he was going to go to the library and never come back. I shudder at the memory of him saying "Hun, I'll be home in a few just gotta drop off some book," then waiting for hours for him to get home. But he never got home. He never would again.

Some days I think about what would have happened if I had went with him. Would he still be gone or would I be gone with him? Everyday gets harder and harder. I feel like we are so far apart and everything I do reminds me of him. 

I can't even sleep in our old bedroom, because his stuff is still there. I am trying to let go, but is that what I really need to do to no longer be sad? Do I need to forget him? Us? Forever?

Forever (Sara's Version)Where stories live. Discover now