Chapter 2 (Remake)

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 It is now 11 years after the incident at Freddy's, Alex is now 18 years old. "You really think that something like THAT happened at Freddy's???" Leo said. "Sure, I mean why would the cops go there in the first place?" Said Alex. "Probably a hoax to cover up something like a drug scheme or something." Leo said. "Yeah, only someone like you would talk about drugs." Aiden said. Alex and her friends sat in a circle around a campfire in Alex's back yard. They all sat silent for a few minutes. Then they started talking about people from school and just the general topic about it. "So Olivia... How's you and James going?" Alex questioned with a smug look. "Shut up!!!" Olivia said cheerfully blushing, then gave her a playful punch. "Ow, alright, jeez, take a chill pill, heh. Anyways we are all going to college right?" Alex said. "I have a scholarship to go to Harvard." Aiden said proudly. "Jeez that's far from here!" Alex said. "I'm so proud of you..." said Leo sarcastically. "Oh yea? Where are you going?" Aiden asked. "Uh...well, you see, well erm... Let's not talk about THAT PLEASE!!!" Leo said dramatically. "I'm going to community college" Olivia said. "I'm going to a technical school to follow in my dad's footsteps. You know, build machines, fix them, things like that." Alex said. After a few minutes about talking about school and their issues, Leo brought up Freddy Fazbear's again, "Yo, in order to prove my 'hypothesis' is right. We should all go inside of Freddy's. After all, Charlie and her friends are alive, so that means we can go inside and fool around." Leo said. "ARE YOU CRAZY???" Alex yelled, "Sorry, got a bit carried away." "No, I'm trying to say all those stories are fake, ya know?" Leo said. The others nervously nodded in agreement. "But what about the yellow rabbit suit? What about Carlon almost dieing? What about the rumors of the hauntings?" Alex asked. "Brah, that's all fake. The media just wanted something good to put on their stories so they made up an elaborate scheme to get more viewers." Leo said. He then got up and tried to persuade her by putting his hand on her's. Alex yanked her hand away and said "Ew, what the heck are you doing?" Blushing though. Alex had feelings for both Aiden and Leo. But Leo was obnoxious. Alex put her head down to hide her emotions. "Good." Leo said, "Then it is settled." "What is?" Olivia asked. "I'm saying we are going inside Freddy's tonight, duh!" They all stared at him in disbelief. "A-are you sure about this?" Aiden said. "If we do this, we are disturbing the dead, there are always terrible consequences for doing that... Like my father said, just because they are not alive, doesn't mean they can't hurt you." Alex said. "Psh, that was the stupidest thing I ever heard from you Alex!!!" Leo was laughing, while holding a bottle of Busch Lite in his hand. Alex was blushing, her face was very red. "N-no, your wrong Leo!!!" "What are you? CHICKEN??? Better yet, the biggest hen in the coop!!!" Leo said loudly laughing, he started to make chicken noises and acting like a chicken. Alex was crying and her hands were over her face. "SHUT THE **** UP LEO!!! You're hurting Alex's feelings you piece of crap!!!" Aiden yelled. Aiden then started to comfort Alex by stroking her hair and hugged her. "And besides Leo, you're the real chicken, only a chicken or in better terms a coward would hurt the feelings of such a beautiful woman, you dirtbag." "Fair point," Leo said, "You're lucky I live in my mom's basement, otherwise that insult wouldn't work." "Say sorry to Alex" Aiden said. "Why should I? I'm right, she's no!" Leo said. "If you don't I'm gonna run you over with my car!!!" Olivia said. "OKAY, OKAY, SHEESH!!!" Leo yelled. "No need to be hasty." Leo bent down by Alex "Sorry for 'bullying' you." He said. "Say it like you mean it!" Aiden demanded. "Wha- I did!" Leo complained. "I said do it!" Aiden said. Olivia cracked her knuckles. "Fine!" Leo yelled. "Alex, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, please forgive me. I did a horrible thing to you and I'm not proud of it." "There you go." Said Aiden. Alex got and confronted Leo. "Okay Leo, if you want to go to Freddy Fazbear's so bad, we'll go there, but if anything happens, like serious injury, or even death, it's on you." Alex said. "Deal." Leo said. They walked across Alex's yard into the front. They then went to their cars, Matt opened the front door. He looked very tired and concerned. "Alex, where on Earth are you going?" "Uh... to the Hurricane Diner." Alex said. "Okay, be here before 11:00, got it?" Alex nodded in agreement. They got in their cars. Olivia going in Leo's car. Aiden riding in Alex's. They then headed off on the road towards the abandoned mall where Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is...

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